Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Waaaaa! McConnell Is A Meanie Weenie!

'WaaaaaaWaaaaaaWaaa! You meanie weenie you! I hate you McConnell! You are not my 'friend' anymore! I'll never let you play with me again! I made you what you are today, and look how you re-pay me! Waaaaa! Kellyyyy! Need nipple'!! I'm so mad, I could just run off, hide in my closet and tweet really mean things about someone! I wish I could think of a lie to tell, that always makes me feel really good. Waaaaa! I think I did number two in my baby-man panties! Nobody likes me, no body loves me. Waaaaa!'

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The president still promises "a great health care package" — but not until after the next election. His comments come after a phone call with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

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