Tuesday, April 30, 2019

'Oppps, You Got me On That One'

'Oppps-e-daisy. Ok, you got me. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe I did, and maybe I didn't. Probably just more "fake news". Why do people tell lies all the time? Who does that?? People should be more like Me! But anyway, I might not "remember" that one. Hey, remember the time I said that I have the best memory in the world, you 'know', what with my "very large brain" and all. Yeah, that one. But I also suffer from whatcha might call, 'selective memory' syndrome. Ask my doctor. Or don't. Anyway, this is probably just another one of those illegal "witch hunts" trying to make me look bad, which by the way, I don't need any help on that one. So, "we'll see". Maybe tomorrow, or next week. I don't "recall" that one. Really. Honestly.'

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