Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Damn Those Useless "Judges"

'Oh yeah, "Judges" are a real problem. All over. All bad. They don't like me, and I don't like them. Especially the ones that always rule against my orders. I mean. what's with that? Who does that to the President? Check it out. All the time. Biased "Judges" have got to go. They either play ball by My rules or they don't get to play ball at all. It's My 'court'. I get to make the rules, they should simply follow them. So I say, "get rid of judges"! America doesn't need these guys! Who does?? Not me! What kind of country do they think this is?? America has Me to do all the 'judging' that anyone needs judged. I mean, just look at the people I've hired in my administration, am I a good 'judge' of people, or what?
I run this country, I have absolute rule, I am un-touchable, the elite of the elite, the 'King' of the hill. I won by a majority of popular vote, remember? Well, I sure remember. Huge numbers! Hillary eat you heart out! Lock her up!
But hey, this isn't about Me, me, me, is it?? "Judges", there ought to be a law against them. Note to myself; outlaw "Judges", maybe next week, or soon, maybe after 2020, we'll see.'

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President Trump has threatened to close the U.S.-Mexico border if Mexico doesn't do more to help stem the flow of migrants

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