Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Trump, 'The Vindictive'

This is simply Trumps ploy to drain attendees away from the White House Correspondents dinner, because he knows that 'reporters' will now have to chose between 'reporting' on Trumps 'rally', or missing it by being at the dinner, which Trump, 'The Vindictive', hates with all his might. 'Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Trump', and what better way to exact vengeance than to strike a 'coup' while the striking is hot.
This, sadly, is the President of The United States of America, showing the world how a spoiled, entitled, schoolyard bully, 'man baby,' sans adult supervision, pretends to be 'Presidential'. What a sad, lonely, little child.

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President Trump will counter the annual White House Correspondents’ Association dinner with a rally in Green Bay, Wis., his reelection campaign announced Tuesday.

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