Saturday, April 6, 2019

Ooooo....Those "Rough Looking Asylum Seekers"

'Aren't you just tired of these brown people trying to become Americans!? I sure am! That's why I might close the Border! Gotta keep ugly, "rough looking" people out of my kingdom. No room for them! The 'inn' is closed folks! Go somewhere else to rob and murder innocent people! Just look at how ugly those horrible, criminal "asylum seekers" are !! Just look! Why can't they be beautiful like me?? What's with that? Where do these people come from?? Is that crazy, or is it just 'Me'? These disgusting people are "Some of the roughest people you've ever seen, people that look like they should be fighting for the UFC," "They read a little page given by lawyers that are all over the place -- you know lawyers, they tell them what to say. You look at this guy, you say, wow, 'that's a tough cookie.""We don't love the fact that he's got tattoos on his face, that's not a good sign. We don't love the fact that he's carrying the flag of Honduras or Guatemala or El Salvador, only to say he's petrified to be in his country." Well, no more free 'cookies' folks! What a bunch of professional liars! Gang members, robbers, looters, rapist, they're preying on our young white women! Putting their criminal hands all over them, "grabbing them by their pussys"! Kissing them against their will! Who does that!?? Who, I ask you, who?? Oughta be a law against it! "Lock them up, lock them up!"
Well, I know how to stop them. I do. "That's why I cut off aid to Honduras or Guatemala or El Salvador". No more money for these criminal gang countries! Let my BFF-FWB Vlad, 'The Russian', take care of them! I don't need them! I don't have any personal financial investments down there, really, wish I did, we'll see, but I'm pretty sure I don't, so I just don't need them. "We're full"! No more "asylum seekers". Now, everyone chant after me, real loud so's the "fake news media", the "real enemy of America", can hear you, 'No more asylum seekers, no more asylum seekers, no more, no more!' Remember to vote for me folks, I'm the only person you can 'trust'. Honest. And that's no lie. This time.'

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President Donald Trump accused Democrats of abandoning Israel and claimed that asylum seekers look like UFC fighters during his speech Saturday before the Republican Jewish Coalition in Las Vegas.

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