Wednesday, April 24, 2019

'CHANGING, CHANGING', a poem by Buddyblack

'CHANGING, CHANGING', by Buddyblack
They say the times they are a changing,
But it looks the same to me.
Little kids are still
Going hungry,
And we’re still fighting to be free.
There’s a 'war'
Going on in Ireland
Since the days of Christ,
There’s not much change
In the way they die,
They still pay the price.
We pay more for little things
But that is nothing new,
The rich are scheming
For the plenty
And the poor beg for the few.
We’ve raped our earth
Until she bleeds,
And she’s crying out for vengeance.
But we let the wrong go free with thanks
They satisfied our needs.
Oh, the apathy that fills
Our heads shutters out the pleas.
So what’s this noise about changing.
No need to be alarmed,
It’s the same ol’ thing
We’ve done for years,
No one can see the harm.
For what it’s worth
There is no change,
We just rearrange the words,
And it’s plain to see
That the more things change,
The more things remain the same.
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"We believe this to be a terrorist act," police said.

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