Saturday, April 20, 2019

'SPACE RUST', a Poem by BuddyBlack

a poem by BuddyBlack

Well, they’ve landed
  A spacecraft
On the planet Mars,...
  And it’s
Filling up
  Its sample jars
With rocks,
  And dust
That are colored red.

They’re searching
  For life
In that far off dust,
  In a world
That looks like
  A ball of rust,
Because their instinct says
  There must be life,
And it’s instinct that
  They trust.

Billions and billions
  Of dollar bills
Are scratching around
  On those Martian hills,
Looking for something
  We can’t afford,
More worries to our
  Many ills,
More debts to our
  Mounting bills.

People are starving
  On this planet Earth,
  Has slackened
Her mighty girth.
  But ears are deafened
By the rockets roar.

Backs are slapped
  And toasts are given,
And they are
Out for more,
  It is a time
For mirth.

The priorities
  They have
Are full of holes,
  And last on
The list
  Come human souls.
No thoughts are given there,
  They’re blinded by
That rockets glare.

If they’d look
  Down here on this
Planet Earth,
  They’d see there’s life
That’s more than worth
  ANYTHING they’ll
Find out there.

There’s lots of worthy
  Life down here,
  They do not
Seem to care.

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