Tuesday, April 2, 2019

He's From Germany I tell You, Really!!

'Hey, if I say he was born in Germany, then he was born in Germany, or someplace like that, somewhere. Wonderful little Island out in the "middle of the ocean". Did I tell you where my mommy is from? No? Well, wouldn't you like to know! I'm not telling you! NaaaNaa! So there! I know where I'm from, where are you?
Look, I know the "fake news" media tells everyone I'm bat crap crazy. They can't be trusted, but you can 'trust' Me. Really. However, as we all 'know', I'm the only sane person in the asylum. I know what I know, and I know what I know is the only truth I know. I know that, and You know that, and that's all you need to 'know'. I just tell it like it is. That's me, that's just the way I am. Whatever I say is the 'truth'. I'm not crazy I tell you, and I've never 'knowingly' told a bald face lie or been mistaken about anything in my whole life. Really. My daddy always told me that! He did! And I believed him! he never lied to me about how great I am. He even told me that I was born to be royality, a king, maybe even some sort of, whatcha might call, a 'dictator' of some sort. And now look at me. See!
So yeah, it's a little known 'fact', check it out if you want to, go ahead, do it, that my daddy was actually born in a little town named 'Trumpsburgerville', not far from that other place nearby, a little ways on the other side of the 'Island' there. He, at the young age of twelve years old built the first golf course in Germany, covered half the 'Island'. Not many people know that. Wonderful place. Great people. I learned my extraordinary golf skills on that course when I was five years old. Never cheated even once. No one beats me. I win at everything I do. I never lose because I never lie. Honest. Really. Ya gotta believe me on this one. It's the 'truth'!'

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President Donald Trump on Tuesday falsely stated his father was born in Germany— the fourth time the president has made such a claim in less than a year.

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