Thursday, April 4, 2019

"Just A Fluke Situation", Really.

""I think it was just a fluke situation." 'Really, "just a fluke". Not really a "situation" at all. If you only knew how often people sneak in at my wonderful little Palm Beach Palace, which I lovingly refer to as my 'Little White House'. I invite a lot of nefarious people to attend parties there, golf events, suck-up sessions, things like that. Not everybody is bad you know. "Some good people out there on both sides", maybe some not so good. Who knows. What do I know. "We'll see".
"I think that the person sitting at the front desk did a very good job, to be honest with you", and as we all 'know', I'm a very 'honest' person, I lie only when I have to, which as we also know, is very seldom. American's don't need to know everything that goes on in government. Who does that!? Crazy idea. But, yeah, she, whoever she is, at the front desk, never met her myself, probably never "grabbed her" myself, that I remember, but she did a great job. Wish I could hire more immigrants like her. Great gal. Wonderful family. Don't know the first thing about them, but I bet they are really special.
So am I concerned about this simple little "fluke"? No, I'm "not concerned at all. "Nothing concerns me but for my "wall". Just look at it! People sneaking in without proper documentation! Happens all the time. Border "crisis"! "National emergency", I tell you. That's why I have a nice secure "wall" around my 'Little White House' in Palm Beach. Nodody can climb 'over' that thing! Why would they even want to? That's why I have a secure gate where people, including spies, can be checked by the head Maitre d'. As you can see, my security system is almost foolproof.
So yeah, just a little"fluke". Speaking of "flukes" you should taste the wonderful "fluke" dish served by my favorite 'Little White House' chef. I'm pretty sure he still works there, I'll check with INS.
Ok, folks, move along, I'm a busy man, lots of phone calls, people to dine, golf games to cheat at, business deals to collude with, standard stuff. Nothing to see here. Really. Honest. You can 'believe' me this time.'

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President Trump on Wednesday commended Mar-a-Lago staff and the U.S. Secret Service after a woman who is accused of illegally entered the Palm Beach club property was taken into custody, and said he's not concerned about China trying to spy on him at his Florida resort.

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