Saturday, April 6, 2019

"Summit? I Don't Need No Stinkin' Summit!!

"Summit? I don't need no stinkin' Summit!! What the hell is that for!? Hey, those guys are my problem in the first place! Why would I want to even be in the same room with them, let alone 'talk' to them! Who does that!? Only weak leaders do that. Not me! They don't even speak English! When they speak, I have no idea what they are blabbering about. And you expect me to hold some sort of lose-lose summit with them. No way! "No, no, I don't need a summit. I think we've done very well without the summit," I mean, just look at what I've been doing. Go ahead, check it out. "Fact check' it if you want to. It's all there. I've got nothing to hide. really. Really, I don't. Why should I waste my extraudinary 'negotiating skills' on these guys when I'm doing so well otherwise?? I find it easier to use my unbridled 'bully skills' to get what I want. A 'big stick', and nasty words will beat an opponent down way before kind words and deplomacy ever will. The best way to make friends and allies is to first treat them like crap, sooner or later they'll come crawling back for forgiveness. Then you give them something insignificant which they will see as a bonus, and now you have them on the hook, and you own Them, and they owe You. Look at Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto. Flipped like a fish out of water. Met his match! Caved in to all my demands. Weak man. Should be fired. Lousy dictator.
As for giving any more money to these guys, who by the way, have done nothing for me, I'll probably just stop giving. Let my BFF-FWB Putin, 'The Nation Builder', keep them afloat. I don't need them. I've already given him Venezuela. He's doing a wonderful job there. Nice Russian MILITARY BASE in our 'backyard'. Nice guy, can't help, for many, many, nefarious reasons, but love him. Best brutal dictator, next to North Korea's, that I've ever cuddled with.
Have you seen my 'approval' ratings? Huge numbers! Everyone loves to love me. My subjects in my little kingdom are very loyal. But hey, this isn't about Me, me, it?

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President Donald Trump said Friday that there was no need for a summit with the Presidents of Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador because "they understand" the implications of his recent move to cut stabilizing aid to the Central American countries.

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