Tuesday, April 30, 2019

And Then, The "Lord Watched Over" Him.

Well, praise the "lord", and pass the collection plate for another mythical miracle from heaven! Once again, the good "lord" 'caused' a problem, and then in his infinite compassion, and benevolence, turned right around, but only after letting his victims suffer a proper taste of the darkness of hell, or "heck" as the folks in Tennessee would say, and 'saved' them from their very own purgatory and damnation.
So, Yes, indeed, it was a good thing that the "lord" was there the whole time, albeit quite invisible, and warm and dry, safely 'above' ground, and "watched over him" while he and his friends were wet, cold, hungry, and surely facing death, while being held 'hostage' by the devil himself, deep in the bowels of Mother Earth. Good job "lord", way to go dude!


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cnn.com|By Emanuella Grinberg
One of five men trapped in a cave in southwest Virginia for 47 hours praised God for their survival after they were rescued Sunday.

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