Friday, April 26, 2019

Goodbye NRA

The NRA will simply destroy itself from within. They have long been a 'cancer' that has been slowly, and insidiously destroying the fabric of America's society, one gunshot death at a time. They exist solely through 'pay to play' 'donations' to politicians, including President Trump who actually campaign's for them, and through membership dues from paronoid, and conspiracy mongering gun lovers who see a Federal 'gun grabber' behind every bush. The NRA has finally outlived their 'usefullness', if it even had one in the first place. The 'funeral' bells are peeling the timely demise of this insidious, fear mongering, politician buying, organization of dysfunctional's who for another dollar bill, will eat their own. Goodbye NRA, you'll not be missed.

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The chief executive of the National Rifle Association told the group's board he is being extorted and pressured to resign by the organization's president, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday.

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