Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Dear Mr. Jones....

Dear Mr. Jones, this letter is to inform you of your impending, and to your surprise, your untimely, demise. As you now 'know', I have been programmed with the uncanny ability to forecast a humans death, such as in your pathetic little case. Now, the 'good' news, and the 'bad' news. The 'good' news is, is that by using my superior 'Artificial Intelligence's, unfalable death dealing algorithms, I have determined that you have exactly twelve (12) human life days to live. You have plenty of time to have a few fun days to enjoy yourself and to put things in order.
Sadly, the 'bad' news is, is that due to a computor glitch, my AI system was off-line for eleven day. Enjoy your day.

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