Thursday, April 4, 2019

Just Shoot me Charlie!

'Damn, Charlie! That was good whisky! Talk about a 'buzz'! I kin barely see straight, let alone 'think' straight! What in the sam hell we gonna do now?
Oh, hell, I don't know Chris, ain't got no more money, can't buy no more whisky. Done any target shootin' lately? Bet I kin hit the side of that barn over yonder with just one shot.
Charlie, you couldn't shoot that damn barn if'in you was inside the dang thing! You don't know nothin' 'bout no guns anyhow.
Well Chris, I betcha... I kin shoot you.
Naw, Charlie, you too drunk to shoot anything, but if'in you want, go ahead and try. I got this here spiffy bullet-proof vest that I got down at the NRA gun store. I'll wear it, an you kin shoot me.
Man, Chris! We shore know how to have fun! Ya gotta help me load this little pistola that I got here, an I'll shoot the dickins outta ya. I bet you wont even feel a thang!
OK Charlie, I'm ready boy! Shoot the hell outta me, shoot me Charlie, shoot me! Damn! This is gonna be the most fun we ever did have! How come we didn't think of this before now!? This is what pals do Charlie! Now git busy shootin' me with that thang! Little .22 never hurt nodody.
Bang! Bang! Bang! Owwww! Damn! That hurt like hell Chris! Give me that damn gun, and you put this vest on so's I kin shoot the hell outta you now! You was supposed to just shoot me one time Chris!
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Let that be a lesson learned Charlie! Ah, Charlie, I think you might be bleedin' a little bit there.
Chris, I think you really shot me! I ain't havin' any fun no more! Who's stupid idea was this anyway!? Damn, that hurts like hell! What the hell we gonna do now Chris? Still got that bow an arrow I gave you while back? Got any beer in yer fridge?'

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Police arrested two Arkansas men for shooting each other as they took turns wearing a bulletproof vest, according to the Northwest Arkansas

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