Saturday, April 20, 2019

"Legal", Yet, 'Illegal'

But...but...if it's "legal", how can they treat an "immigrant' as if they have broken some sort of 'law' by working in a "Legal" industry. Could that same bassakwards 'thought process' also be applied if they were working in a "legal" Alcoholic Beverage industry? Could that be next? This makes no sense at all. The federal Government needs to decriminalize MJ so that all of America is on the same page as far as legalization of MJ goes, and just move on with it. The 'war' against MJ has always been faulty, driven by the 'MJ madness' syndrome of the '50s and '60s, and the old farts that still control the 'laws' against it have learned nothing since.

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"Employment in the marijuana industry may constitute conduct that violates federal controlled substance laws," the USCIS said.

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