Friday, April 19, 2019

America's Armed, And Dangerous Militias

Migrants or no Migrants, this is wrong on many levels. This is an Armed Anti-Government, Right Wing, Fascist Militia organization, taking the 'Law' into their own hands! Had they done this to American citizens, heads would roll. And for the Federal Government along with the States Government, and Border Patrol to 'look the other way' is reprehensible. The Governments complicity in the actions of these Armed Militias, simply emboldens these Armed misfits to broaden their vigalanty base, when in fact they should be outlawed to exist in the first place.
These detentions, by these Armed Militias, of human beings on American soil is an illegal act, and unfortunently it will take the shooting death of a migrant, which is bound to happen the longer they are allowed to exist as an Armed militia, before this un-American activity is halted.

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The American Civil Liberties Union is calling the actions a ‘kidnapping’ and a flagrant violation of the law

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