Thursday, April 11, 2019

Dear Ms. Omar...

Dear Ms. Omar,
No, and contrary to your 'tip-toe around the thorny rose bush' assertion, it was Not "some people" "who did something" which by the way, just happened to result in the MURDER of over three thousand (that's 3,000 Ms. Omar) Americans, and that, "some people" just happened to be Radicalized, Muslim Terrorists from Saudi Arabia, and the "Something" you refer to was the two World Trade Center Towers that burned, and collapsed, after they flew passenger airplanes into them.
Ms. Omar, please feel free to tell it like it was, and is, and stop it with the persecution complex, after all, it was not You, yourself, that did this, but it was a bunch of Radicalized Muslim Terrorists that did, no reflection on you or your faith. Just call it like it is, and stop it with the tap dancing in the briar patch.

About this website
"First Member of Congress to ever describe terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 as 'some people who did something,'" said Rep. Dan Crenshaw.

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