Friday, April 26, 2019

General Lee, A 'Great' American traitor

''Sure, sure, I've 'said' it before, but we 'all' know that General Robert E Lee was one hellofa guy! What "a great general"! They don't make'em like that anymore, that's for sure. Sad. Great family guy! Gotta love great family guys, you 'know', guys like myself.
He coulda been president of the southern states if the north hadn't cheated. Does it really matter that he turned his back on the United States Government, defected, and became a traitor to his country? Hey, who us wouldn't have done the same thing? Right? Right??
Yeah, yeah, I 'know' that by turning traitor he was mostly responsible for the unnecessary horrible deaths of thousands, and thousands, and thousands of Northern soldiers as well as leading many thousands of Southern traitors to their own untimely deaths just so he, and they, could continue the morally corrupt institution of Slavery, you know, human bondage, where white people owned stolen Black African human beings, where they were forced to work as 'human machinery' in order to prop up the secessionist states economy. But what "a great general" he was! He really knew how to get people killed. I really admire a guy like that! He's my kinda man. A 'man's' man. And who wouldn't want a great big statute of a 'hero' like him? I mean, 'who'? Well, it appears that there are a few "Fake news" Democrats on the 'left' that want to remove his beautiful statutes from all kind of public places. I think we should honor 'my hero', General Lee, as an 'American' hero, Your hero, an icon, "a great general" who tried to "make America great again". hey, remember that one? But then who wouldn't, right? 'Right'?

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“I was talking about people that felt very strongly about the monument to Robert E. Lee, a great general whether you like it or not,”

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