Wednesday, April 17, 2019

"Rival gangs are coming together", Not.

"Rival gangs are coming together to stop rising gun violence in Denver". Oh please! Really? Reality check! "Gang members" Are the problem folks! If anyone actually beleives that these hoodlums are "coming together" to stop Anything, then I can sell you a really good bridge in the middle of the Mojave.
So, lets see how this is gonna work out. Now, they want to "stop gun violence". At long last. Wow! That would be great if it were actually true. But first, did all these gangsters trot down to the local Police department and turn over ALL of their FIREARMS, and ammunition? Did they agree, and actually follow through with disbanding each of their criminal gang networks? Did any of the gangsters who had just recently shot and killed someone, robbed a store with a firearm, did a little 'driveby', turn themselves in? Of course the answer is a solid NO to all the above. This insignificant little "coming together" means nothing in the short or long haul when it comes to "stop gun violence". This was simply a photo/press op and a show of force to the other "gangs' in attendance. This was a 'fly your flag day'. The gangsters who are 'wanted, by the police stayed in their little rat holes hiding in the safety of darkness.
They will 'hug' today, and 'thug' tomorrow. Nothing has changed, thuggery, business as usual.
The criminal gangs will continue to be just that, and they will continue with their illegal narcotic trafficking, their robberies, their prostitution slave trade, their shootings, and everything else illegal that they were doing the day before, the day of, and will continue to do the day and years afterwards.
Pay attention to 'later on', there is method to their madness, nothing will have changed, the shootings, and killings will not have ceased nor subsided, the criminal actions that these gangsters thrive on will not have lessoned, it will be business as usual.

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