Friday, April 19, 2019

KellyAnne, DC's Official Proctologist

'Ouch! Easy! That hurt like hell!!! Hey, I'm no 'proctologist', let alone some sort of Internal Medicine doctor, although I have stayed at the 'White House B&B', which is just full of uptight sphincters which sorta gives me the upper finger on this sort of procedure. Being around so many buttholes, has practically made me one myself. So, I'm whatcha might call a 'butthole' specialist. But look, this isn't all about 'me' and my anatomy acumen, is it? Everything I know, I've learned from my Boss, 'The Master of Proctology'. And speaking of that, you know, this Mueller thing, wasn't this just "a political proctology exam"?? I mean, this thing 'smells' to high heaven! It just prostates me to no end when I think of all the buttholes around here that have been 'violated' by this unwarrented "Political...exam". It's no wonder the "swamp" around here stinks so badly!
Come on folks, it's "time to move on" already! Get over it! Nothing to see here. My Boss is innocent of all charges, no criminal stuff going on anywhere around here. No one even 'thinks' about criminal stuff. Really. He's so 'innocent' it make babies look guilty of something, or whatever. What a great guy! Wonderful, faithful, family guy. Always 'truthful', whenever he 'can' be. The 'report' is just a bunch of democratic "fake news" trying to make my boss look bad. That's my job! Stop doing it for me!'

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