Thursday, April 4, 2019

Mans Inhumanity To Man

THIS, is what mans inhumanity to man looks like when superstitious, 'religious' radicalism, rules. As bad as it obviously is in Brunei, this could happen, even right here in America but for sane laws at present to prevent it, or in any other country where 'religious' fanatics of any sect or belief, and yes, that includes the Evangelical christians, and every other 'religious' cult in-between, would hold rule over its citizens, and all in the name of their invisible, mythical, 'sky pilots' they call 'god', or whatever.
This may be the year 2019, but little has changed in mans superstitious brains over the ions, and it is clear that our physical bodies may evolve and change, but our brains show little to tell for it. And, it's even more clear, that the more things change, the more things remain the same.

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Brunei has enacted strict new Islamic laws that make gay sex punishable by…

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