Saturday, April 20, 2019

Trump, 'The Paradoxical President'.

This simply proves that Trump, 'The Confused', has some sad affinity towards 'dictators in waiting', and that his left hand knows not what his right hand is doing. he is the epitome of  'paradox'. He 'thinks' that by praising this traitorous general that he will find in him another BFF-FWB to golf with. Just another one of his ploys to seed, and spread confusion, and mayhem across the globe. As long as we are focused on, and fighting the 'wildfires' he sets, then out of sight, he is free to continue with his idiocy in other places.
And Americans wonder why the rest of the world looks at America with that, WTF!, on their faces. America, and the whole world in general may never recover, and heal from the damage Trump is doing, and will have done.

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In apparent reversal of US policy, Trump praises Haftar for fighting…

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