Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The "Red Line Moment" Knocking At Our Door

Unfortunately for Venezuela, and all of our southern neighbors, and former friends and allies there, this is not a "Red Line" moment for Trump because America, with Trump, 'The Incompetent Statesman', at its helm, has blinked, and allowed Putin to boldly encroach in our hemisphere. Being rid of pesky Venezuela would be a blessing to Trump.
Unless America acts swiftly, and strongly to evict Putin from Venezuela, it will be but in a short time that Putin will plant his flag in other countries of South America. Now, with Trump threatening to cut off aid to three of these countries unless they play his version of political football, they are probably now looking for a more 'friendly' team to play with, seeing as how Trump, 'The Master of delusion', does not play well with others, and of course with Putin already planting his flag and roots there, it's a pretty sure bet that they will see His offers of 'aid', and 'protection' from American influence, as a lot better venue than Trump can give.
As for Trump, he will be happy to give South America to his ever ready BFF-FWB, pal Putin, so that he doesn't have to even 'think' about 'those', in his own feeble mind, southern, potential illegal border jumpers ever again. Out of sight, out of mind, and now they will be Putin's problem. Debt paid off.
Unfortunately, in the end, they, and we all will suffer from these actions that could have, with an actual 'Leader' in our White House, could have been avoided in the first place. It's called 'Diplomacy', and common sense 'Foreign Aid' negotiations, all of which is now totally absent in America's inept camp of disfunctunal 'Statesmen'. Stay tuned, it ain't over yet.

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Will Venezuela be the place where President Trump, who has often…

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