Friday, April 12, 2019

Pardon Me??

If  McAleenan does Trumps biddings then he, along with his incompetent 'boss' should both be held legally accountable. "I was just following orders", will NOT generate a 'hall pass' for knowingly committing an illegal act, no matter that it was at the illogical directions of an incompetent 'Commander-In-Chief', ever! The best thing this acting DHS secretary can do is bail out of Trumps sinking ship before he becomes part of the flotsam in it's aftermath. If he actually believes that Trump, 'The Constitutional Shredder', will pardon him for a crime, then he will deserve every criminal conviction he must eat afterwards, because Trump will simply deny, lie, and weasel his way out of even 'knowing' who McAleenan is.
This is America's President, the 'Commander-In-Chief', the one person who should be setting the correct example of 'leadership', and yet, we will never see such a thing from this 'presidential' pretender.

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President Donald Trump told Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan he would…

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