Wednesday, April 10, 2019

And The 'Mystery', Is??

Ahhh….because Summer is right around the corner, and, just because they can, they will. We are at the mercy of 'Big Oil', and we are our own worst enemies. They know that we have little choice but to drive our gas guzzlers, and we Yahoo when we get 21mpg, and they know that to do so we must buy their gas at any price that will get us there. As long as 'Big Oil' is in the pockets of our political 'leaders', they can willy-nilly raise and lower the price we wind up paying, and they can come up with a thousand 'reason' why they 'must' increase the price at the pump. The gasoline taxes that our state tacks on makes it even tougher to pay the price of mobility. We are doomed on foot if we don't, and doomed in the billfold if we do. For the consumer it's a lose-lose, but for 'Big Oil' and tax revenue it's always a win-win.

About this website
A lack of gas supplies is pushing prices higher at the pump. Drivers in the West Coast, Rockies, Great Lakes and Central regions are pinched the most.

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