Thursday, April 11, 2019

The 'One Man Band'

'Wow! Look at that, will you! What a 'surprise'! Looks like I'm it! "I'm the only person running homeland security" now. I'm whatcha might call, a 'One Man Band'. Everyone that I formerly 'trusted' to do my illegal biddings, has proven that they are traitors to my cause, and all have bailed out of my sinking 'ship of fools', the rest I simply fired. So now, I must, mostly because I know more about this than anyone alive, ruin, err, run, that is, "homeland security" all by my very little self. And what a pleasure it w...ill be! I'm whatcha might call, 'a professional security-in-chief'. See, that's why I'm President, and you're not. I've actually forgotten more about "security" than most people even 'know' about such a thing.
Up til now, things were not 'secure' in my "homeland" of America. Especially at the disgusting Borders. But now, with me solely 'in charge' things will be a whole lot different. A whole lot! You can count on it! You'll see. Soon. Maybe later on. Maybe next week. We'll see.
My 'Little White House' in Palm Beach is more 'secure' than our Borders are. Really. I'm not kidding. It's practically 'true', or I wouldn't be saying it. I never, hardly ever, say anything that's a 'proven' lie. And, I only lie when I have to in order to protect American's from themselves. I can prove that American's are totally ignorant. Are my lips moving? Most American's will believe anything that comes from my lips. See? Ignorant. But hey, that's just me, me, me, but this isn't about 'me', is it? Is it? Everyone should now feel much safer, and more 'secure' than ever before. I promise. No lie! Really. We'll see.'

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