Wednesday, April 24, 2019

From The Land of 'Enlightenment'

'Hi Folks, welcome to my 'Shine the Light of Intelligence Up Your Butt Hole', hour of 'enlightenment', brought to you from right here in the land of 'scientific freedom' where anyone, even I, myself, can claim the nefarious title of, 'Scientist'. I'm whatcha might call a, 'Butt Hole' Scientist, a field where I deal only in that part of the human anatomy where no man dares, well except for a few, you know, those 'homosexuals', who don't know any better, to go. We, here in the land of 'enlightenment', call those few men, and as we all 'know' it is men only who are into same sex love, 'Dead men', because if we can't 'cure' them of this affliction, then we simply 'kill' them which is a sure fire way to cure Anything.
But now, after careful in-depth 'research', I, and I alone, have discovered a way to cure these homosexual deviants from exploring one another's bottoms by using my very own method of, “a cure for homosexuality based on Islamic medicine.” Yes, that's what I 'said'. You heard me correctly, or my name isn't, Dr. Mariam Al-Sohel, the world 'reknowned', AKA, Doctor Butthole .
You see, it's like this; "I discovered therapeutic suppositories that curb the sexual urges of boys of the third gender as well as the fourth gender, which is butch lesbians. They have excessive sexual urges…
By the way, This is science, and there is nothing to be ashamed of he sexual urge develops when a person is sexually attacked, and afterward it persists, because there is an anal worm that feeds on semen…So what I did was to produce suppositories which are to be used by certain people at a certain time and it cures those urges by exterminating the worm that feeds on sperm. The ingredients are the same [for both sexes], but I made them in different colors…We start the patient on a balanced diet when the treatment begins. It is a balanced diet of bitter, sour, salty, and sweet foods in order to cleanse the body of poisons.
The diet for the third gender — the male ones — consists of foods that increase their masculinity and build muscle. Any food that is buried underground provides men with stability, strengthens their muscles, and increases their masculinity. Bitter foods increase masculinity."
So, here's how I cured every single one of these sinful homosexuals who were on death row waiting to 'die the death of a thousand stones'. I told them that I could 'cure' them of this insidious affliction if they would volunteer to adhere to my course of 'scientific therapy'. If it 'cured' them then they would be allowed to go free, and go about their business in life in our 'enlightened' country of 'scientific advancement'. Of course, if it failed to 'cure' them, then they would be executed the very next day. The results were incredably encouraging! I recorded a 100% cure rate when 1,000 out of 1,000 condemmed homosexuals that I 'treated', were 'cured' almost overnight. So many 'buttholes', so little time.
So, as you can 'see', my 'scientific' cure for homosexualty is a no-brainer, and can be used all over the world. I encourage every 'scientist' that may be, as I certainly am, interested in buttholes, to use my 'scientific' method of 'curing' this, until now, terrible affliction that has claimed so many of our young, innocent, and tender, Islamic sphincters. I believe that I alone have the 'finger up' in this incredable method of 'curing' homosexuality. But, hey, this isn't about 'me'. Really. I'm just a humble so-called 'scientist'.
Be the first on your sandy little block to be 'cured' of your 'butt worms', or my name isn't, Dr. Mariam Al-Sohel, the world 'renowned', 'butthole worm killer', AKA, Doctor Butthole.'

About this website
The stupid, it burns: A Kuwaiti scientist claims she can cure homosexuality with a suppository that supposedly kills “semen-eating anal worms.”

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