Tuesday, April 30, 2019

They "Execute Babies"??? Really?

'And then, and then...ahhh...you should see what they do to 'Republican' babies! OMG!! Who does that!? Why do we need "doctors" in the first place, after all, America has Me, me, me. Doctors, lawyers, judges, federal cops, who needs them when you already have Me, me, me? But enough about me. Really.
Of course I know next to nothing, and that goes for everything else that I pretend to 'know', about doctoring, and stuff like that, but I have stayed in the 'White House Castle', which makes me an 'expert' in just about everything else known to man. Remember that time I said that I "have a very large brain"? Still do. In fact, my head has had to actually grow some to accommodate the huge growth in my brain since becoming 'ruler' of America. This job just makes me so smart'. I bet I'm smarter than a 6th grader by now. Hey, how about those 'polls' that show how popular I have become! And that's just in Polland! Great numbers! Incredibly big. Also, Really big. Huh? Everybody loves to love me! Everywhere!
Huh? What were we talking about? What? Is someone having a baby or something? Is it lunch time yet? Kelllllyyy! Feed me!'

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President Donald Trump often weaves his opposition to late-term abortion into his speeches at rallies around the country. His April 27 event in Green…

And Then, The "Lord Watched Over" Him.

Well, praise the "lord", and pass the collection plate for another mythical miracle from heaven! Once again, the good "lord" 'caused' a problem, and then in his infinite compassion, and benevolence, turned right around, but only after letting his victims suffer a proper taste of the darkness of hell, or "heck" as the folks in Tennessee would say, and 'saved' them from their very own purgatory and damnation.
So, Yes, indeed, it was a good thing that the "lord" was there the whole time, albeit quite invisible, and warm and dry, safely 'above' ground, and "watched over him" while he and his friends were wet, cold, hungry, and surely facing death, while being held 'hostage' by the devil himself, deep in the bowels of Mother Earth. Good job "lord", way to go dude!


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cnn.com|By Emanuella Grinberg
One of five men trapped in a cave in southwest Virginia for 47 hours praised God for their survival after they were rescued Sunday.

'Oppps, You Got me On That One'

'Oppps-e-daisy. Ok, you got me. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe I did, and maybe I didn't. Probably just more "fake news". Why do people tell lies all the time? Who does that?? People should be more like Me! But anyway, I might not "remember" that one. Hey, remember the time I said that I have the best memory in the world, you 'know', what with my "very large brain" and all. Yeah, that one. But I also suffer from whatcha might call, 'selective memory' syndrome. Ask my doctor. Or don't. Anyway, this is probably just another one of those illegal "witch hunts" trying to make me look bad, which by the way, I don't need any help on that one. So, "we'll see". Maybe tomorrow, or next week. I don't "recall" that one. Really. Honestly.'

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Friday, April 26, 2019

Really?? "We'll See"

If his lips are moving, chances are that a Lie will quickly follow. Of course, at the moment we have no proof that he did or did not give this chunk of change to his North Korean BFF-FWB, but history has shown that when Trump, 'The Consumate Liar', denies something, he is simply lying, and denying, about something that actually occurred. Sooner or later the actual truth of the matter will be rooted out. As he is want to say, "We'll see".

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President Donald Trump denies reports that he approved payment of a $2…

Goodbye NRA

The NRA will simply destroy itself from within. They have long been a 'cancer' that has been slowly, and insidiously destroying the fabric of America's society, one gunshot death at a time. They exist solely through 'pay to play' 'donations' to politicians, including President Trump who actually campaign's for them, and through membership dues from paronoid, and conspiracy mongering gun lovers who see a Federal 'gun grabber' behind every bush. The NRA has finally outlived their 'usefullness', if it even had one in the first place. The 'funeral' bells are peeling the timely demise of this insidious, fear mongering, politician buying, organization of dysfunctional's who for another dollar bill, will eat their own. Goodbye NRA, you'll not be missed.

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The chief executive of the National Rifle Association told the group's board he is being extorted and pressured to resign by the organization's president, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday.

General Lee, A 'Great' American traitor

''Sure, sure, I've 'said' it before, but we 'all' know that General Robert E Lee was one hellofa guy! What "a great general"! They don't make'em like that anymore, that's for sure. Sad. Great family guy! Gotta love great family guys, you 'know', guys like myself.
He coulda been president of the southern states if the north hadn't cheated. Does it really matter that he turned his back on the United States Government, defected, and became a traitor to his country? Hey, who amo...ng us wouldn't have done the same thing? Right? Right??
Yeah, yeah, I 'know' that by turning traitor he was mostly responsible for the unnecessary horrible deaths of thousands, and thousands, and thousands of Northern soldiers as well as leading many thousands of Southern traitors to their own untimely deaths just so he, and they, could continue the morally corrupt institution of Slavery, you know, human bondage, where white people owned stolen Black African human beings, where they were forced to work as 'human machinery' in order to prop up the secessionist states economy. But what "a great general" he was! He really knew how to get people killed. I really admire a guy like that! He's my kinda man. A 'man's' man. And who wouldn't want a great big statute of a 'hero' like him? I mean, 'who'? Well, it appears that there are a few "Fake news" Democrats on the 'left' that want to remove his beautiful statutes from all kind of public places. I think we should honor 'my hero', General Lee, as an 'American' hero, Your hero, an icon, "a great general" who tried to "make America great again". hey, remember that one? But then who wouldn't, right? 'Right'?

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“I was talking about people that felt very strongly about the monument to Robert E. Lee, a great general whether you like it or not,”

Thursday, April 25, 2019

A 'Trojan Horse'

This, is two consumate bullshitters, trying to get bullshit-upmanship over the other while scheming about the best ways to weaken America's influence around the world. The only thing 'missing' here is their quasi BFF-FWB, Trump, 'The Liar'. Remember, 'A Trojan Horse, is a Trojan Horse, is a Trojan Horse', and by any other 'name' is still a 'Trojan Horse', especially when offered by murderious dictators.  

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Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the situation on Korean peninsula with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Thursday.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

From The Land of 'Enlightenment'

'Hi Folks, welcome to my 'Shine the Light of Intelligence Up Your Butt Hole', hour of 'enlightenment', brought to you from right here in the land of 'scientific freedom' where anyone, even I, myself, can claim the nefarious title of, 'Scientist'. I'm whatcha might call a, 'Butt Hole' Scientist, a field where I deal only in that part of the human anatomy where no man dares, well except for a few, you know, those 'homosexuals', who don't know any better, to go. We, here in the land of 'enlightenment', call those few men, and as we all 'know' it is men only who are into same sex love, 'Dead men', because if we can't 'cure' them of this affliction, then we simply 'kill' them which is a sure fire way to cure Anything.
But now, after careful in-depth 'research', I, and I alone, have discovered a way to cure these homosexual deviants from exploring one another's bottoms by using my very own method of, “a cure for homosexuality based on Islamic medicine.” Yes, that's what I 'said'. You heard me correctly, or my name isn't, Dr. Mariam Al-Sohel, the world 'reknowned', AKA, Doctor Butthole .
You see, it's like this; "I discovered therapeutic suppositories that curb the sexual urges of boys of the third gender as well as the fourth gender, which is butch lesbians. They have excessive sexual urges…
By the way, This is science, and there is nothing to be ashamed of he sexual urge develops when a person is sexually attacked, and afterward it persists, because there is an anal worm that feeds on semen…So what I did was to produce suppositories which are to be used by certain people at a certain time and it cures those urges by exterminating the worm that feeds on sperm. The ingredients are the same [for both sexes], but I made them in different colors…We start the patient on a balanced diet when the treatment begins. It is a balanced diet of bitter, sour, salty, and sweet foods in order to cleanse the body of poisons.
The diet for the third gender — the male ones — consists of foods that increase their masculinity and build muscle. Any food that is buried underground provides men with stability, strengthens their muscles, and increases their masculinity. Bitter foods increase masculinity."
So, here's how I cured every single one of these sinful homosexuals who were on death row waiting to 'die the death of a thousand stones'. I told them that I could 'cure' them of this insidious affliction if they would volunteer to adhere to my course of 'scientific therapy'. If it 'cured' them then they would be allowed to go free, and go about their business in life in our 'enlightened' country of 'scientific advancement'. Of course, if it failed to 'cure' them, then they would be executed the very next day. The results were incredably encouraging! I recorded a 100% cure rate when 1,000 out of 1,000 condemmed homosexuals that I 'treated', were 'cured' almost overnight. So many 'buttholes', so little time.
So, as you can 'see', my 'scientific' cure for homosexualty is a no-brainer, and can be used all over the world. I encourage every 'scientist' that may be, as I certainly am, interested in buttholes, to use my 'scientific' method of 'curing' this, until now, terrible affliction that has claimed so many of our young, innocent, and tender, Islamic sphincters. I believe that I alone have the 'finger up' in this incredable method of 'curing' homosexuality. But, hey, this isn't about 'me'. Really. I'm just a humble so-called 'scientist'.
Be the first on your sandy little block to be 'cured' of your 'butt worms', or my name isn't, Dr. Mariam Al-Sohel, the world 'renowned', 'butthole worm killer', AKA, Doctor Butthole.'

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The stupid, it burns: A Kuwaiti scientist claims she can cure homosexuality with a suppository that supposedly kills “semen-eating anal worms.”

'CHANGING, CHANGING', a poem by Buddyblack

'CHANGING, CHANGING', by Buddyblack
They say the times they are a changing,
But it looks the same to me.
Little kids are still
Going hungry,
And we’re still fighting to be free.
There’s a 'war'
Going on in Ireland
Since the days of Christ,
There’s not much change
In the way they die,
They still pay the price.
We pay more for little things
But that is nothing new,
The rich are scheming
For the plenty
And the poor beg for the few.
We’ve raped our earth
Until she bleeds,
And she’s crying out for vengeance.
But we let the wrong go free with thanks
They satisfied our needs.
Oh, the apathy that fills
Our heads shutters out the pleas.
So what’s this noise about changing.
No need to be alarmed,
It’s the same ol’ thing
We’ve done for years,
No one can see the harm.
For what it’s worth
There is no change,
We just rearrange the words,
And it’s plain to see
That the more things change,
The more things remain the same.
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"We believe this to be a terrorist act," police said.

Dear Mr. Jones....

Dear Mr. Jones, this letter is to inform you of your impending, and to your surprise, your untimely, demise. As you now 'know', I have been programmed with the uncanny ability to forecast a humans death, such as in your pathetic little case. Now, the 'good' news, and the 'bad' news. The 'good' news is, is that by using my superior 'Artificial Intelligence's, unfalable death dealing algorithms, I have determined that you have exactly twelve (12) human life days to live. You have plenty of time to have a few fun days to enjoy yourself and to put things in order.
Sadly, the 'bad' news is, is that due to a computor glitch, my AI system was off-line for eleven day. Enjoy your day.

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Opinion: Researchers are studying how artificial intelligence could predict…

Saturday, April 20, 2019

'SPACE RUST', a Poem by BuddyBlack

a poem by BuddyBlack

Well, they’ve landed
  A spacecraft
On the planet Mars,...
  And it’s
Filling up
  Its sample jars
With rocks,
  And dust
That are colored red.

They’re searching
  For life
In that far off dust,
  In a world
That looks like
  A ball of rust,
Because their instinct says
  There must be life,
And it’s instinct that
  They trust.

Billions and billions
  Of dollar bills
Are scratching around
  On those Martian hills,
Looking for something
  We can’t afford,
More worries to our
  Many ills,
More debts to our
  Mounting bills.

People are starving
  On this planet Earth,
  Has slackened
Her mighty girth.
  But ears are deafened
By the rockets roar.

Backs are slapped
  And toasts are given,
And they are
Out for more,
  It is a time
For mirth.

The priorities
  They have
Are full of holes,
  And last on
The list
  Come human souls.
No thoughts are given there,
  They’re blinded by
That rockets glare.

If they’d look
  Down here on this
Planet Earth,
  They’d see there’s life
That’s more than worth
  ANYTHING they’ll
Find out there.

There’s lots of worthy
  Life down here,
  They do not
Seem to care.

Trump, 'The Paradoxical President'.

This simply proves that Trump, 'The Confused', has some sad affinity towards 'dictators in waiting', and that his left hand knows not what his right hand is doing. he is the epitome of  'paradox'. He 'thinks' that by praising this traitorous general that he will find in him another BFF-FWB to golf with. Just another one of his ploys to seed, and spread confusion, and mayhem across the globe. As long as we are focused on, and fighting the 'wildfires' he sets, then out of sight, he is free to continue with his idiocy in other places.
And Americans wonder why the rest of the world looks at America with that, WTF!, on their faces. America, and the whole world in general may never recover, and heal from the damage Trump is doing, and will have done.

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In apparent reversal of US policy, Trump praises Haftar for fighting…

"Legal", Yet, 'Illegal'

But...but...if it's "legal", how can they treat an "immigrant' as if they have broken some sort of 'law' by working in a "Legal" industry. Could that same bassakwards 'thought process' also be applied if they were working in a "legal" Alcoholic Beverage industry? Could that be next? This makes no sense at all. The federal Government needs to decriminalize MJ so that all of America is on the same page as far as legalization of MJ goes, and just move on with it. The 'war' against MJ has always been faulty, driven by the 'MJ madness' syndrome of the '50s and '60s, and the old farts that still control the 'laws' against it have learned nothing since.

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"Employment in the marijuana industry may constitute conduct that violates federal controlled substance laws," the USCIS said.

Friday, April 19, 2019

KellyAnne, DC's Official Proctologist

'Ouch! Easy! That hurt like hell!!! Hey, I'm no 'proctologist', let alone some sort of Internal Medicine doctor, although I have stayed at the 'White House B&B', which is just full of uptight sphincters which sorta gives me the upper finger on this sort of procedure. Being around so many buttholes, has practically made me one myself. So, I'm whatcha might call a 'butthole' specialist. But look, this isn't all about 'me' and my anatomy acumen, is it? Everything I know, I've learned from my Boss, 'The Master of Proctology'. And speaking of that, you know, this Mueller thing, wasn't this just "a political proctology exam"?? I mean, this thing 'smells' to high heaven! It just prostates me to no end when I think of all the buttholes around here that have been 'violated' by this unwarrented "Political...exam". It's no wonder the "swamp" around here stinks so badly!
Come on folks, it's "time to move on" already! Get over it! Nothing to see here. My Boss is innocent of all charges, no criminal stuff going on anywhere around here. No one even 'thinks' about criminal stuff. Really. He's so 'innocent' it make babies look guilty of something, or whatever. What a great guy! Wonderful, faithful, family guy. Always 'truthful', whenever he 'can' be. The 'report' is just a bunch of democratic "fake news" trying to make my boss look bad. That's my job! Stop doing it for me!'

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America's Armed, And Dangerous Militias

Migrants or no Migrants, this is wrong on many levels. This is an Armed Anti-Government, Right Wing, Fascist Militia organization, taking the 'Law' into their own hands! Had they done this to American citizens, heads would roll. And for the Federal Government along with the States Government, and Border Patrol to 'look the other way' is reprehensible. The Governments complicity in the actions of these Armed Militias, simply emboldens these Armed misfits to broaden their vigalanty base, when in fact they should be outlawed to exist in the first place.
These detentions, by these Armed Militias, of human beings on American soil is an illegal act, and unfortunently it will take the shooting death of a migrant, which is bound to happen the longer they are allowed to exist as an Armed militia, before this un-American activity is halted.

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The American Civil Liberties Union is calling the actions a ‘kidnapping’ and a flagrant violation of the law

The Queen Of Slippery Tongues

'As everyone 'knows', I have the slipperiest tongue in all of Washington DC. Sometimes I'm surprised that it doesn't just fly right out of my mouth! Really! At night I have to tie a pencil to it in order to keep from swallowing the darn thing! Slippery, slippery, slippery! I bet I'm not the only person treading water in this vile, stagnant DC swamp, that has a tongue like mine.
Slippery tongues can cause a lot of problems. You know, like being grilled by that disgusting Muller guy. Wow! My knees are still weak from that one! Not to mention my slippery, fluttering tongue!
Butt you know what? That was the first time I've Ever had to tell the 'truth', the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And that's the truth! And boy, did I ever feel better afterwards. Although I did puke for a few days afterwards. After years of telling lies, telling falsehoods, false rumors, spreading phony conspiracy theories, lying to myself, lying for my President, as directed, sleepless nights, marching to my 'leaders' music, it 'almost' felt good to tell the truth for once. Just once though. And as I told Mueller, anything I have 'ever' said that sounded like a 'lie', was simply "a slip of the tongue". And after I explained to him about my very defective 'slippery' tongue problem, he 'told me' that he understands how these things could happen. I promised him that from now on, as far as I could tell, I'll always probably "tell the truth when I can". Really. Honest, I probably will. We'll see. We'll see.'

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White House press secretary Sarah Sanders admitted to federal investigators that she provided reporters baseless information related to former FBI Director James Comey's dismissal, according to special counsel Robert Mueller's redacted report. CNN's Jim Acosta reports.

Trump Declares, "Total Bullshit"

'Well, would you look at that! Do you see what I see? Do you? Does anyone? Is this just "total bullshit", or is it just me!? Why does everyone hate me so? Why? Why? Why, oh why?? Ask anybody, my family for instance, and they'll tell you that I'm really a nice guy. I'm faithful, truthful, and clean. Hell, I coulda' been a friggin' boy scout! Just look at these "so-called notes" that try to make me look bad. Who does that?
"Statements are made about me by certain people in the... Crazy Mueller Report, in itself written by 18 Angry Democrat Trump Haters, which are fabricated & totally untrue," "Watch out for people that take so-called 'notes,' when the notes never existed until needed. Because I never agreed to testify, it was not necessary for me to respond to statements made in the 'Report' about me, some of which are total bullshit & only given to make the other person look good (or me to look bad). This was an Illegally Started Hoax that never should have happened" Why do people take notes!?? Why? Why do they do that? Why do they want a 'paper trail'? Is that crazy, or is it just Me? I Never take notes! Stupid idea! That's how you get in trouble! Next thing you know, some "fake news" reporter get ahold of it, and you wind up in front of a grand jury. Not me! I let other people do that! I'm too smart to get caught doing stupid stuff. I believe in letting my minions take the 'fall'.  "Why do you take notes? Lawyers don't take notes. I never had a lawyer who took notes," "I've had a lot of great lawyers, like Roy Cohn. He did not take notes," you don't see Him in trouble! I don't trust people who "take notes". They're up to no good, writing down everything I talk about! Reporters, and lawyers, can't trust any of them! Never! They'll flip over on you like a fish out of water.
All this "illegal witch hunt", and the Mueller report, except for the part that totally exonorate me, are "total bullshit"! Really. And that's the truth, and nobody told me to say it. Honest. I'm telling the 'truth' right now just as I always do "whenever I can". Honest. Trust me, I'm your President.'

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President Trump is tweeting his grievances from West Palm Beach on Good Friday