Sunday, November 25, 2018

What A "Vicious World"

'OMG! The "world is a vicious place", horribly "vicious place, Horrible. "Vicious" things happening all over the place. Just look at the fires in California, if only they had forest "rakes" out there. Sad. So sad. I'm sending 5 thousand Special Forces troops out there to enforce 'forest raking'. They have the WH authority to use "deadly force" to protect "rake" salesman from "vicious" attacks by disgruntled 'Smokey The Bears' who watch too much CNN "fake news". Bad things happen. Look at those floods down south after hurricanes! Really bad. How does that happen? Hmmm..."maybe they do, maybe not", probable more "fake news". "Vicious"! We'll see. And speaking of "vicious" "fake news" media, I'm talking about You, CNN, just look at how viciously they treat my family 'dynasty'. If only there were a law that controls them. "We'll see".
And how about that so-called reporter guy that apparently, probably, according to my BFF's security guys, somehow killed himself in that Saudi embassy. Or maybe it was some "rogue" unsupervised "killers". I don't know. Even my own useless CIA has no clue. None whatseoever. Just like me, clueless. “They did not come to a conclusion. They have feelings, certain ways, but I have the report,” . “They have not concluded. Nobody’s concluded. I don’t know if anyone could conclude It could very well be that the crown prince had knowledge of this tragic event," "Maybe he did and maybe he didn't!" "It could very well be that the crown prince had knowledge of this tragic event," "Maybe he did and maybe he didn't!" Really. Ya gotta beleive me here. My BFF-FWB prince pal "vehemitly" denies any knowledge of what happened on his personal 'watch'. "It's a terrible thing. I dislike it more than you do. But the fact is ... they create tremendous wealth, really tremendous jobs in their purchases and very importantly, they keep the oil price down." I'm not lying about this. Honest. Ya gotta believe me, and I gotta believe him. "Great wealth", mostly for my rich friends and donors. Incredible. My BFF is just sick over this, he's barely able to lay in bed and count his camels. He told me that he has 'Never' lied to me before. His money is always good. Great guy. I've never known him to kill even a sand flea. Loves his people. Especially his secret harem of hotties. He's been 'punished' enough. He's America's best 'friend'. I hereby order everyone to lkeave him alone in his moment of grief. "Vicious world", leave him alone!'

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