Thursday, November 1, 2018

Don Lemon, The 'News Guy', Says....

Don Lemon, who I usually agree with on a lot of subjects, has stupidly allowed his celebrity status, and inflated ego, to crush his sense of common sense with his 'paint with broad brush' comment that, "white men are biggest terror threat". His, “we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them”, is like saying that 'all' Black men are radical 'Black Panthers', and of course they are not. His, "most of them radicalized to the right", is more broadstroke that even he cannot defend. "Most"? How many is that Don? Did you mean to say, 'some white men', or perhaps 'quite a few white men', or maybe even, 'a lot of white men'? Pease show empirical studies that show the validity of your "Most" assertion. "Most" certainly would mean just how many? On the one hand he say's, "we have to stop demonizing people", yet in the same breath he does exactly that very thing. Now while it may be true that there are a lot of, how many I don't know, anti-government, anti-social, anti-anything clutches of so-called militias and alt-right thugs in America comprised of white men, and certainly there are members of other ethnic groups included in these numbers, the numbers certainly would not include "most" of the white men in America, as Lemon suggests otherwise, while it would certainly be more true that "most" white men are not associated in any way, shape, or form, with these 'home grown alt-right terrorist groups'. His "we have to start doing something about them", what exactly do you have in mind here Don, and, 'He pointed out that' " there is no travel ban on white men like there is with the Muslim ban and that there is no “white guy ban” in general. “What do we do about that?”, is suggesting, or intimating, that America should implement a “white guy ban” at our borders. So, what do you suggest we do about that 'missing link' at the border thing, Don? Has Trump implanted some sort of 'racist seed' in Don Lemons News Caster brain somehow to cause such dribble?
I think Don Lemon should now step up to the plate and spell out exactly what he is, and what he is actually thinking here. Innuendos, intimation, and unfounded racist, even perhaps unintended, hyperbole simply falls into Trumps camp of idiocy and leads to no good results. Tell us more about this Don Lemon, stop it with the corner of the mouth accusations, innuendos, and dangerous racial baiting hyperbole, and get back to giving us the factual 'news' that CNN is, up to now, known for. Waiting...waiting.......

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UPDATED: On Monday, Don Lemon appeared on Cuomo Prime Time to talk to his CNN colleague Chris Cuomo about two black shoppers that were shot in Kentucky last week which has since been deemed a hate …

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