Tuesday, November 6, 2018

"Failed to see the threat"

Oh bull crap! "Failed to see the threat of White Nationalism", my ass! These anti-government, anti-everything democratic thugs, have been skulking in the shadows forever, starting with the disgusting kkk, and have been on the radar of LE forever! In one form or another they have been amongst us pretending to be little private, harmless, members only, social clubs but still spewing their hateful messages whenever the timing was right. They are no different than the 1%er MC 'clubs', aka 'gangs' that control prostitution, drugs, human trafficking, and who are also part of the anti-government movements. And now, we have a President who does not have the gonads to call a home grown terrorist groups exactly what they are, simply emboldens these misfits to step out of the darkness and ply their hateful trade because they have been given 'license' to now hate out in the open. It starts at the 'top'.
Right now there are approx. 689 active Anti-Government/Patriot groups in the US. In the District of Columbia (Washington DC) there are four (4); Renew America, Special Operations Speaks, World Governments of World Citizens, and WorldNetDaily. There's 30 in Florida, 50 in California and I could go on ad nauseam! These hate groups, these anti-government clutches, these armed so-called militias, these bigoted racists, should be no surprise to anyone with even half a brain to work with! "Don't know how to stop it"??? Really!? Has the investigation and enforcement of these dangerous thugs been relegated to the cub scouts?? What the hell!! Is our federal LE, and local LE really asleep at the wheel here? Have they forgotten how to work these thugs as the organized gangs that they really are? America must wake up from our self induced stupor, and find a way to outlaw these anti-government, and race baiting hate groups. Their right to exist should end when they infringe upon the rights of innocent Americans to be able to live without worry of being a victim of these dangerous fools. I'd like to think that our LE from the Feds on down have not "failed to see" anything about these hate groups.

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For two decades, domestic counterterrorism strategy has ignored the rising danger of far-right extremism. In the atmosphere of willful indifference, a virulent movement has grown and metastasized.

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