Saturday, November 10, 2018

NRA Rules The Land

Info for if people come at you with a 'but CA has strict gun laws!' argument... 😡

" Californians voted to ban the high-capacity magazine used by the Thousand Oaks shooter.
The #NRA sued to stop the ban, and it has not been enforced while the case is pending.
So yes, more blood on the NRA's hands. Their lawsuits are more effective on this issue than thoughts and prayers. It's time for action and to stop letting the gun lobby run our government."

Buddy Black The 'Gun' is mightier than the 'vote' in America. As long as sane American's continue to allow the insane NRA to write the 'law of the land', nothing will change exept for the name of the next shooter, and as I sadly have to continue saying; "We shoot, we cry, we pray, we re-load, and shoot again". We can wish, and pray that this will be the very last insane shooting, but then we had already 'wished' that very thing after the 'last' one before. :( :/

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