Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Just A Mississippi Good Ol' Girl

'Hi ya'll. I'm Mississippi Republican senator Cindy Hyde-Smith, just a regular good ol' girl who don't hardly know any better, and I approve this message. Now as ya'll know, I'm running against an opponant who as you can tell, has darker skin than I do. But don't let that sway your vote, you 'know' which one to vote for. Right? Well, of course you do, just like we've always done down here in the dark...err..deep south that is. Now I'm getting ready to make an 'off the cuff' comment that might offend a bunch of thin, or maybe darker, skinned northerners. But don't let that sway your vote. Now, down here in this part of the 'learned' world, we still say some things that were being said way back when it was 'ok' to say it. You know, things like, 'Whites Only', 'Don't let the sun set on you', 'Back of the bus boy', you know, regular stuff like that. I'm amazed that some people still get riled up over that. Move on, get a life already! That's the way we are down here, we're proud of our 'Southern Heritage', and our 'States Rights', if you get my meaning. ;);) Now later on, I'm gonna be profusely apologizing about what I'm gonna say. I'll be 'reading' my apology that my clever staff will have written for me to say. Stuff like,“For anyone that was offended by my comments, I certainly apologize,” and something like, "There was no ill will, no intent whatsoever in my statement,” “This comment was twisted and it was turned into a weapon to use against me, a political weapon used for nothing but personal and political gain by my opponent.” How dare he be offended by my "off the cuff" comment. How dare he be 'political'! But just because I'm 'reading' it, instead of looking you right in the eye and saying it from my heart doesn't mean I 'don't' mean a word of it. Then, I'll lay the blame on my opponent and the "Fake News" media for using my words as "a political weapon". I mean, who does that!? Where'd he learn to do that?? So, anyway, here's what I'm gonna say, referring to my cattleman friend, "If he invited me to a public hanging, I'd be on the front row". There! Now what's wrong with that? I used correct grammer, spelled every single word correctly, punctuation is correct, and I meant every word of it. And so, the 'problem' is? But don't let that sway your vote. Please..pretty please? I'm just a Trump, who by the way, will defend me greatly, minion, a little ol' southern girl who don't hardly 'know' any better that to say really hurtful and stupid things. But really, don't let that sway your vote. Really.'

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Republican U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi apologized on Tuesday fo...

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