Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The 'Royals' Eat Their Own

And now, the "Royals" will 'eat' their own. This is what Nepotism, dysfunctional Dynasties, that's not to say there is, or ever was a 'Functional' one, and corruption with-in, breeds. 'Inbreeding' can be a terrible thing indeed. Nothing good ever comes from it, and nothing good ever will.
Here in America, we have our own 'leader', Trump, who fancies himself as America's 'King', and who attempts to subvert our Constitution for his own gain, who thinks he is above the 'Law of The Land' as an 'un-touchable', and has appointed immediate family member to his cabinet, members that have the ability to dictate policy, and hire and fire as they recommend, this, a clutch of future Trump Dynasty members. Nothing good will come of this one as well.

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