Thursday, November 22, 2018

"Bedlam, Chaos, Injury and Death"

'Dangerous, just dangerous! At first, I was pretty sure as I could be, from the 'evidence' that I had gathered all by myself, that the un-holy, "Fake news" media was the "enemy of the people". But now, after 'careful' consideration, and much forethought, I have determined for absolute 'fact', as I know it, that 'Judges' are the real "enemy of the people.
"Judges must not Legislate Security and Safety at the Border, or anywhere else. They know nothing about it and are making our Country unsafe," and let me assure you, That's My job! If they think for one minute that they can make America more "unsafe" than I can, they have another thought coming! I know more about making things "unsafe" than anyone on this planet. Just look at my track record so far! Who can beat that?
"Justice Roberts can say what he wants," , "but the 9th Circuit is a complete & total disaster." Horrible disaster! They are totally preventing our Law Enforcement agencies from doing their jobs! Disgusting judges! "Our great Law Enforcement professionals MUST BE ALLOWED TO DO THEIR JOB! If not there will be only bedlam, chaos, injury and death. We want the Constitution as written!" "Bedlam, chaos", I know a lot about that. And just ask me what I know about the Constitution! Not right this minute, maybe later. We'll see. And as we all know by now, I, myself, and I alone, am the master in the use, and abuse, of America's Constitution for my own personal, and political gain. No one does it like I am able to. 'Constitutional Law' is my forte'! We don't need no stinkin' judges telling us what we can do, or what we can't. That's My job! I am the 'ruler' of America! I make the laws, I break the laws, I am above the law! I warn all judges across America, including the Supreme Court judges, if you want to keep your spiffy, armchair jobs, don't mess with me. I am un-messable, un-touchable, I am your boss! Now, take a knee and beg my forgiveness for your basphemy of my holy name, and position. Waiting....'

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Donald Trump has been butting heads with Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts after the judge defended the independence of the federal judiciary.

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