Saturday, November 17, 2018

Lets Play 10 Questions

Whew! Boy, that was a job and a half! Talk about a 'white knuckle' event! Questions, questions, questions! I wish Mueller had given me a heads-up on this so that I could have studied for this useless test! There was just no way I could have seen this coming. No way. What a total surprise! I bet no other president has been treated as badly as I have. So un-fair! What a disgrace he is to my Realm. Don't I look bad enough without him picking on me all the time? Who hired him anyway!? He doesn't know it yet, but his days are numbered around here, I can hardly wait until I can tell him, "you're fired"! And then I'll fire the fool that hired him!
Yeah, so I answered 10 questions, without any help at all from my wet nurse, that I will get to ask myself. What a gig! You just gotta love the way I can subvert the 'Rule of Law', but then I'm a special case.
So here's a few of the Questions and answers I'm submitting;
#1- Is your name Donald Trump?
Answer- Oh that's an easy one, 'Yes it is'.
#2- Are you a natural blond?
Answer- Oooo..a hard one. 'Only my hairdresser knows for sure'.
#3- If the White House is 'White', what color is a 'Green House?'
Answer- Hmmm..sounds like a trick question to me. 'Next!'
#4- What's the best way to make friends?
Answer- Hey, I do this all the time! 'Treat them like crap, they'll love you for it later. Really'.
#5- When will you start making "America great again"?
Answer- That's an easy-peasy one. 'First I must de-construct it, then re-build it in my image and everyone will be happy to 'take a knee' before my throne.'

There's more, there's more, and boy are they doosies! Mueller just thought this would be easy for him to make me look bad, but you know what?, that's My job, I can do that all by myself. What a poor example of an American that guy is. He should be more like Me! Everyone should be like me. I'm pooped now, it's time for my sippy, and then a nap. KellyAnne, I'm ready!'

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Trump stressed that he has been ‘busy’ and it has taken some time to complete them, but he also stressed concern about Mueller’s purpose in obtaining them.

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