Saturday, November 10, 2018

Lindsey, They're "Stealing" Votes

'Just what the hell is going on down there!? The President called me and 'said', Lindsey, find out what's going on in Florida with this disgusting un-American 'voter fraud' thing. Yes sir, Mr. BFF-FWB President, I replied, I'm on it like stink on cat poop! Well, after a thorough investigation by a professional Private Dick, paid for out of my own private funds by the way, I have determined that these demon-crats are actually trying to count every single vote that was cast down there! Every single vote!!! Who the hell does that!?? They are actually "stealing" votes! This is America, we can't have that sort of thing going on here! No way! "It's always the Democrats"! This will not stand! How frikking insane are they down there? Have they learned nothing during the last two years?? The Republican party will not be part of such an abominable charade as this! How dare they try to use America's Constitution in order to count votes! Is it just me and the President, or is this crazy as bat crap? If we Republican's allow this to happen, then what next? They'll want to do it with every election down the road! No way! 'Democracy' as the President 'knows it' will become extinct as the Dodo bird! Is that what we want in America?? "Hell no, we wont go"!
I emplore all simple minded American's to stand up for your like wise President, and put a stop to stupidity. Remember, make your vote count! A wasted vote can never be re-called! Help make America become what your esteemed, and 'learned' President obviously is. Only you can prevent idiocy.'

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Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Friday became the latest Republican lawmaker to claim that Democrats are attempting to “steal” elections in Florida without providing a shred of evidence to support his claim. “They are trying to steal this election,” Graham said on Fox News’ Hannity Friday ev...

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