Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Ivanka's 'Free-Mail'

'What? Not sure what that is. E Mail...'email'? that like the letter after the letter 'D'? what?? Oh, that thing, oh I thought it was, you know, like, 'free mail', you know, free stuff that I'm 'entitled' to use. Like, I never got a bill for using it, so I thought it was 'free'. I'm pretty sure that Nobody gave me "guidence" that I shouldn't use it for business, like the stuff I do around here, whatever That is. I'm sorta 'new' around here, never been in politics, you know, so a lot of this trivial stuff is 'new' to me. When my daddy hired me to help him mean 'run' America, he told me to not worry about 'rules' because rules don't pertain to the Trump Dynasty. I mean, its never stopped us before. Aren't we 'entitled' to do as we please? Doesn't 'entitlement' even mean anything anymore!? What has America come to!? Oh, wait just a minute while I read a text from daddy, ohhh, looks like he has a very important hush, hush meeting with some guy in North Korea, looks like secret stuff he'll need my help with. Oh What would I ever do without my little phone, and my little daddy??'

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About this website|By Chris Cillizza
Faced with a Washington Post report that Ivanka Trump had regularly used a…

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