Monday, November 12, 2018

Rain Water Is So Wet!

'Oh my god!, I'm "getting drenched"! Have you ever seen so much wet water fall from the sky, ever!? I bet it didn't rain like this in whatever war we're here to talk about. Right? I mean, it's like someone is just dumping buckets, and buckets of really wet water on us, especially me! Do they even fight wars when it rains? Crazy! The rain water is so wet, incredibly, unusually wet! It's getting on my clothes already, and my hair, my hair!! But hey, look at you guys, even though ‘We are getting drenched, you’re very smart people", really smart, but not as smart as me of course, no one is smart as I am. And just take a look at you guys there under the shelter, "You look like you’re in really good shape all of you. I hope I look like that someday, you look great", yeah no kidding guys, really "great". I mean look at me, I said look at me or I'm gonna go home where it's dry!!, pan the cameras over here on me already, enough about those losers, don't I look really great myself, all 'Presidential' and all? Wow! Look at all the people that turned out to see, and praise me! Millions of fans waving at me, and oh how they love me, love, me love me! That French guy, I can't understand a word he says. Gibber, gibber, gibber, on and on he goes while my hair is starting to sag. Bummble dum, dumble dee, yak, yak, yak, I bet he's saying bad things about me. Ok, enough of this sentimental dribble, I thought I was going on a golfing trip, but here I am standing nearly in the rain "getting drenched". I'm gonna fire someone over this trip! I'm outta here losers!'

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‘You look so comfortable up there, under shelter as we are getting drenched', Donald Trump says while addressing WWII veterans during his armistice ceremony speech in Paris a day after he cancelled a trip to a cemetery due to bad weather

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