Thursday, November 1, 2018

"I Do Try", I Really "Do"

"I do try" to tell the 'truth'. Really! "I do"! Honest. Trust me. I don't lie 'all' the time! Well, some of the time I don't. Not a lot of the time of course, I mean who does? Not me, that's for sure. But "I do try"..sometimes. Look, I'm the President of The United States of America for cryin' out loud! The foolish people who voted for me knew I was a liar when they took me in. They expect me to lie to them! They can't stand the disgusting truth, so I lie to them. They knew! They knew!! And that's the truth! Hey, I wouldn't know the 'truth' if I fell into a fetid pot of the stuff. Look, If I didn't spread "fake news", conspiracy theories, and outright lies, I'd have absolutely nothing else to talk about. I'm whatcha might call, a 'snake oil salesman', a 'serial liar', always have been, always will be. I probably always say, One man's truth, is another man's lie. When my ignorant base hears the truth they immediately believe it's a lie, when they hear a lie, they believe it's the truth, so why should I bother telling them the truth when they won't believe it in the first pace, and don't want to hear it in the second place? Crazy! But you know what? They vote. And they'll vote for Me because they 'know' that I'm the only person they can trust to tell them the 'truth' that they like to hear. And if I've ever told the truth, I'm telling it now. "I do try", really I do'.

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