Saturday, November 17, 2018

Texass 'Condones' Slavery

What a bunch of heads up their butts deniers! Just how long do these 'good ol' southern boys' intend to continue 'believing' that the Civil War, where hundreds of thousands of Americans needlessly perished, was caused by the secessionist States that wanted to have the 'right' (hence, the lame assed 'States Rights' excuse) to Continue to ENSLAVE, and OWN other HUMAN BEINGS!? And, they were willing to destroy the Union of the United States in in order to achieve that horrible goal. What a bunch of disgusting, closet, racists! Way to go TexAss.

About this website
The state's previous social studies standards listed three causes for the Civil War: sectionalism, states' rights and slavery, in that order.

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