Thursday, November 1, 2018

The 'Interior' of The Secretary of The Interiors Brain

'Ok, so let my 'learned' self be just as 'clear' about this as my other hero Donald Trump is about anything that he blunders himself; “I like to think that Lincoln doesn’t have his back to General Lee. He’s in front of him. There’s a difference. Similar to Martin Luther King doesn’t have his back to Lincoln. He’s in front of Lincoln as we march together to form a more perfect union,” so you see, not everyone can be in front, just as not everyone can be in the rear, there's so much room in either position, somebody leads, someone else follows. See how simple that is? I know I've cleared this up for everyone who's mind became muddled when I spoke what I spoke. Oh, and speaking of hero's, how about that great, astounding leader, Robert E Lee, the all-American traitor who did his darndest to keep SLAVERY alive and well in those traitorous states that wanted to destroy the union of the United States of America! What a guy! What a humanitarian! What a do or die fighter for the rights of humans that he saw as inferior chattel! Now that's my kind of guy. Why, he stands right up there with that black guy...uhhh..oh yeah, Martin King, you know, the guy that did all those marches and stuff just so they could eat lunch at Woolworths, or where ever. Both great guys, but you 'know' who my money's on.
Anyway, just thought I'd 'clear' up any loose ends that I may have left flapping in the political breeze. Hey, how am I doing running the 'Interior' business? Best gig I ever had! Don't forget to vote for me. Really. really.'

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About this website|By Alexander Charles Kaufman
Civil rights groups’ condemnation of his remarks only adds to the Interior Department secretary's mounting woes.

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