Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Ruler of America?

My dear almost lover, almost American dictator, temporary BFF-FWB, have you lost control of your serfs??? Have I not taught you how to control public opinion? You must get complete control of lying press, purge all politicians who oppose you, make disappear all rivals to your throne. Oh how you must feel after losing control of half of government. I think you have slept during class I give you. You must now take very strong 'after-morning pill', this make you feel better after sorry night of unwanted voting intercourse. Do not call my secret number, I'll call you, again until you have completed control of your country and become supreme ruler just as I have done in my mother Russia. It may be true what they say about you, not fit to be ruler of America? Not sure I can trust you now after big lie to me about winning all the time. On second thought, lose my number, I take down your picture from bathroom wall, forget golf course in Russia. ты такой плаксивный маленький человек-ребенок!
Your almost lover Vlad, The nation Builder, somewhere in Russia.

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