Wednesday, November 14, 2018

'VP' Melania Say's, "You're Fired!

Well, thank our lucky stars that we have fashion guru, Vice President Melania, who I'm sure as I can be 'sure' that she has all the political experience, and life skills to fill that VP position, to be 'Johnny on the spot' to fill in for the President should he ever become mentally incapacitated, or deranged, oh wait, we've already reached that milestone. But enough about insignificant Him, this is all about Her, VP Melania who, no doubt elected by eligible voters to this important office, 'certainly' has the current 'Trump Dynasty' powers to hire and fire as her position on the throne affords her. And here instant, she has stepped up to the occasion with an order to fire, as in "you're fired", the Deputy National Security Advisor Mira Ricardel, who apparently serves at the VP's pleasure, and when that pleasure fades, the exit door beckons. Although we did not see VP Melania's name on the ballot, that little omission means little in this current Trump 'Dynasty' in the making, where the Trump family has come to 'rule' all aspects of American society including, government, politics, religion, environment, and well, the list just never ends. How lucky we are to have such a 'learned' clutch of dysfunctionals looking out for America. We should all now sleep the sleep of comforted babes. Really. No, really! Come on, I'm not kidding. Well, ok, maybe with just one eye open.

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White House sources told ABC News the first lady felt Mira Ricardel had treated her staff disrespectfully in…

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