Tuesday, November 13, 2018

"Very Insulting"..Really

'What kind of gibberish language was that guy speaking? I couldn't understand a single word of it! Learn the english language already fella! Get with it! Look at Me, I'm the offspring of immigrants and I speak perfect english. My hottie wife speaks perf...well actually not. But I do. I'm told that he was alluding to how great France is and how they helped win WWI and II. Baloney! America singlehandidly won those wars! France was a no-show! Never did anything good for America. Never. Really. Probably because no one could understand a thing they said. Disgusting. But what can you expect from foreigners! Who needs them! I can assure you that America doesn't. We don't need anyone! "America first"! The hell with the rest of the planet! Who needs'em! That's why up until now we were the greatest nation on earth. They have treated us so badly! Cheated us. Unfair trade. Horrible people. Now they want to create their own army to protect themselves from America!? What's with that!? "Very Insulting" "Very"!
Well, get this 'Mr. France', either you pay 'protection money' along with the rest of this disgustingly useless NATO, or I'll take my army and go home! See how you like that! Do it my way, or it's the highway! Every American that was allowed to vote has told me that it's my 'ball', and I get to pick the rules of the game. You can be our sniveling, subjugated so-called 'friend', and play the game by my rules or go find your own 'ball'. Oh! Was that 'thunder' I heard?? Terrible weather! KellyAnne says I must go back inside now.'

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France fought valiantly in World War I but got steamrolled in World War II. Since then, France's army has emerged as one of the best in the world.

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