Saturday, November 10, 2018

Hey Foreigner,"I really don't understand you"!

'What was that? What did you say? "I really don't understand you"! What's this guy talking about? Are we still in America? Hey, everyone, hold it down so I can try to understand this guy! Sir, what language are you trying to speak? Where the hell are you from anyway?? Do we have someone here who can interpret gibberish? How in the world did you get across our border!? "I really don't understand you"! Why are you so 'brown'? Security, see if this guy has a 'green' card please. Is this guy a car salesman from some foreign country? How'd you get in my White House?? English is spoken here mister, get with it already! Sit down! Shut up! Disgusting immigrants! Next please, you there, the white guy from Fox News, I know you can speak English.'

About this website|By Kimberly Yam
The president also asked the reporter to "say hello to Shinzo," referencing…

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