Saturday, November 10, 2018

Pretending To Be 'King'

And yet, even during bombs and fire from hell itself, slogging through bloody mud, and over the dead, mangled bodies of their brave comrades, our troops did not shirk their duty to storm enemy trenches, cross open killing fields of murderous machinegun fire and exploding bombs raining down from the sky as they strove to save Europe from its very self during WWI.
They likewise did not hesitate to storm the deadly beaches of Normandy as the enemy cut them down in rows like so much human wheat, and for over four long deadly years through wind, rain, snow, weather that regular humans would have found too much to bear and would surely have retreated from, they strove on into the certain face of death to the tune of nearly a million lost souls, until again, they saved Europe from itself.
Our brave, and outnumbered troops fought through the coldest weather imaginable, thousands freezing to death, other thousands meeting their untimely demise by the unending rain of enemy bullets and shredding bombs while saving South Korea from subjugation of hordes of North Korean, and Chinese fanatical soldiers.
Our troops did not hesitate when sent to Southeast Asia to fight a 'war' they could not understand nor define, fighting through the monsoon rains so heavy and thunderous as to be deafening where combat uniforms actually rotted off their bodies, summer heat, and humidity that stiffled the very breath of life itself, all the while fighting an enemy seldom seen but always deadly, always near, and never ceasing to strive to snuff out our soldiers lives, and over forty six thousand troops paid with their last breath of life.
During the blinding sandstorms and unbearable heat of Iraq, and Afganistan our brave troops struggled, and even still as we speak, through the heat of day, and cold of night fighting an enemy unlike any that our troops had ever faced, an enemy who has no regard for the lives of friend or foe or even their own. But our brave troops continue to fight on into the teeth of the lion knowing that any day could very well be their last living day on earth. Neither rain, sand, dust, heat , cold, wearyness, or the fear of death can stop them from their appointed duty to serve America no matter the duty station or weather.
And yet, our President, 'their' President, their so-called 'Commander-In-Chief', their leader, the very person who should set the example of American bravery, can't find the gonads to stand in a little inclement weather, a little rain and wind, even for a few moments at least, to honor those brave American and foriegn soldiers, comrades in arms, who have, and are still fighting, and fought so bravely in the past, and current wars and conflicts, and who gave it all to insure that at least parts of the world could remain free from tyrants, despots and dictators. This is a pitiful example of 'leadership' at its worst. A small minded 'man-child' pretending to be king.

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White House cites rain as reason for canceling cemetery visit by Donald Trump.

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