Thursday, November 15, 2018

A "Box Of Cereal"?? Really, Mr. President??

'Listen to me folks! I said LISTEN to me or I'll cancel your voter ID card!! I see what's happening in that disgusting State of Florida! In my 'minds eye', I 'see' all. Nothing escapes my 'eye'. I 'see' all, I know all. Those sneaky devil horned Demon-Crats are trying to steal the election, and I, and only I, know exactly how they are doing it. Ok, come closer so I don't have to yell. I said come CLOSER, don't make me call you some disgusting, childish names! CNN, turn off your recorders! Remove all children, except for myself of course, from the room.
First they go to the grocery store and buy a box of cereal. “If you buy a box of cereal — you have a voter ID.” I'm not kidding about this folks! A "box of cereal"! It's right there on the back of the box!! Anyone can do this! Children, illegal immigrants, old people, felons, people of color, I even heard that those foreigners, Puerto Ricans, are doing it, mentally faulted people do it, you name it, the numbers are just staggering, unbelievable numbers. Well, it's that or, “You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card. You need ID". I don't 'know', we'll see.
Now, I'm no expert on crowd sizes but believe me, I get huge crowds and I know what I'm talking about here! I know! I do. Really, really, I do. Then, now having illegal voter identification, they head down to the polls in droves where they cause huge lines to form, they beat up legal Republican voters, which stops legal voters from voting. They cast their illegal votes, then run out to their cars where as the master of subversion that they are, these masters of disguise change hats, and run in and vote again. Then they run back to their cars and change clothes, or grow a beard, or cut their hair, or use a different face, stolen off a legal voter, and run back in and vote again. Oh yeah, this happens all the time. Fraud! Fraud! I call on my senseless base, and my minion Republicans, to believe my every word about this, and well, just about everything else that I say, because as we all 'know', I never tell a lie. Don't you just hate liars? Well, I sure do! “When people get in line that have absolutely no right to vote and they go around in circles. Sometimes they go to their car, put on a different hat, put on a different shirt, come in and vote again. Nobody takes anything. It’s really a disgrace what’s going on.” Stealing votes should be illegal! e need stronger Voter ID laws. I'm thinking maybe some sort of tattoo, or maybe an implanted computer chip, but don't worry, I'll think of something to "Make America great again". Just the other day when I went down to my precinct to vote I saw it myself. Saw it with my 'minds eye' I did. Horrible sight! I'll never be able to un-see it. There's so many things I'll never be able to un-see. Many, many things. Is it just 'Me', or is this insane?'

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President Donald Trump continued to spread unsubstantiated conspiracies about voter fraud in US elections as Florida recounts ballots.

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