Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Thank Me, Thank Me, Thank Me

'Some un-important person, probably one of CNN's "fake news" people asked me what three things I am most thankful for. Well, after 'careful' consideration, and much forethought and deliberation, I have to say that I'm very thankful, very much, for Me, Myself, and I. And I say that with a humble heartfelt admiration of myself because "I'm thankful I've made a 'tremendous difference in this country'". No kidding, I really have! Just look around you. I said, lOOk around you!! Look at all the de-regulations I have sneaked past everyone. Look how 'I' have made America just one big joke on the worlds stage all by 'myself', and didn't need anyone to help 'me' do it. No other President could ever have done what Me, Myself, and I have done. I actually don't need anyone else but 'me'. I don't need advisers, minders, emissary's, a Vice President, DOJ, Judges, so-called scientists, Generals, you name it, and I don't need them. I know more about everything they should know about, so why have them? Useless. No one 'knows' as much as I do about everything there is to know. I'm it. I'm the 'answer man', just ask me, and I'll tell you so. I'm whatcha might call 'The Neapolitan Man', so many flavors in one bowl. But hey, that's just Me, Myself, and I, and "that's why I'm President, and you're not".

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President Donald Trump said on Thanksgiving that he was thankful for his family before talking at length about the positive impact he believes his presidency has made on the country.

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