Friday, November 30, 2018

The 'Rats' Eating Their Own

This, is akin to a 'Rat', pooping a 'Mole', that 'feeds' the President, that regurgitates 'Lies, that no one 'believes' anymore. What a pitifully, dysfunctional, 'leader' of America! And This, is the 'best' that America has to offer the world?? If this be the case, then we are all doomed to spend eternity in the fetid bowels of Trumps new, "DC Swamp"

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The arrangement was highly unusual, and it appeared to give Mr. Trump and his advisers ammunition in their public campaign against the special counsel investigation.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Oh No! His Finger Is on The "Declassify" Button!

'Yeahhhh...that's right, if Demo-Crats "want to play tough" with me next year I'll "declassify" some very secret, confidential, known only to Me, Myself, and I, "documents" that will be "devastating" to them. If they want to play 'dirty', then I'll show them what 'dirty' really looks like. I'm whatcha might call, 'The King Of Dirt'. I'm so dirty, a pig stye looks like a 'de-containation ward' next to me. I give 'dirt' a whole new name! So they better not mess with me or my 'innocent bystander' family, who by the way, I have shown them all they know about playing 'dirty' themselves. So don't even bother going there Demon-Crats, unless you want me to hit the "declassify" button. Huge button! Really big. "If they want to play tough, I will do it," "They will see how devastating those pages are." You know, 'those' pages. Lots of'em. Many. Huge numbers. No one's ever seen such volumes of what ever it is I'm alluding to, and intimating about, what ever it might or might not actually be. Maybe next week, or the following week. Maybe sooner, or maybe later. I don't know, we'll just have to wait and 'see'. But I promise you this much, and you 'know' how all my 'promise's' pan out, “If they go down the presidential harassment track, if they want to go and harass the president and the administration, I think that would be the best thing that would happen to me,” “I’m a counter-puncher and I will hit them so hard they’d never been hit like that.” I know nothing at all about 'boxing', but I know more about it than they do. Ka-Pow! Right in their kissers! They'll be crying for their mommies like the big crybabies they really are. Why can't they be more 'mature', and super "intellegent" like me?? I won't reveal my secret "documents" right now though, I'll wait until they are stupid enough to mess with me, “It’s much more powerful if I do it then.” So, come on you stinkin' democrats, bring it on because my body's in a "war-like posture", and my tiny little Presidential feet are on a "war footing", and my ample Presidential butt is sizzling on Muellers griddle.'

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President Donald Trump said that if Democrats "want to play tough" when they control the House of Representatives next year, he will declassify documents that will be "devastating" to them.

Stop That Damn Train already!

I wish they had called me for 'advice'. There are so many snappy ways this runaway train could have been stopped. Such as; Shoot out it's 'tires', and failing that, Spike Strips, or, a well executed 'Pit Maneuver', or, place Two Pennies on the track (ahead of the train works best), and last but not least, ( this one also works as a great deterrent to other dumb assed train drivers), Tie down the Train driver onto the tracks ( this definitely works best if placed ahead of the errant train).
Luckily there will be other as stupid 'drivers' looking for a really 'good' reason to "alight" from their trains w/out engaging the 'parking brake', so I await their 911 call. By then I'm sure I'll have even more very 'effective' methods.

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The train had nobody on it. It was eventually deliberately derailed, creating a dramatic crash scene with huge lengths of crumpled, twisted metal on the desert sand next to the train track.

The 'Truth' Matters

About this website|By Lee Moran
"Truth matters, despite this president’s continuing assault on the truth," said the "CNN Tonight" host.
See more from Lee Moran

"GM", You Are Sooo Bad!

KellyAnne, pay attention, if you are going to be Trumps 'wet-nurse' you must supervise the little bugger, he has failed to 'latch', and he is blubbering all over the place looking for the 'nipple'. Please do your 'job' so that we don't have to suffer this fools tantrums. Waaaaa,Waaaaaa, such a spoiled, ignorant little man-child.

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President Donald Trump threatened on Tuesday to cut all General Motors…

"Oceans Are Very Small"

' "Fake News"! Total bunk! How does that disgusting CNN live with itself!? Who the hell even believes that stuff? Look, I'm no, so-called scientist, in fact I don't even know what a 'scientist' does. No clue. Really, believe me on this one folks, no clue. But, I'll tell you this much, and I really believe everything I say, and so should you because I've never lied to you before, the 'air' in my office is very clean. Very, very clean. It's so clean I can see right through it. Never been cleaner! And the 'air' in my limo! Wow! Now that's some clean air in that baby! But I'll tell you where the 'air' is filthy enough to make you sick all over, and that's in Muellers office. Horrible air! It's like a canned fart in there! I hope I never have to go in that place! Please god, don't let it happen! Please, please! But this isn't about Mueller, it's about Me, me, me and how clean America is now that I'm in control of every facet of American life. And how about that 'water'! Yummy! When my man-servant brings me a glass of water, I can see right away that it's clean, clear through. But before I became America's ruler it was shabby! Now very clean. Now, I can look outside my throne, and I can see as far as I can see. Really.
“One of the problems that a lot of people like myself - we have very high levels of intelligence, but we’re not necessarily such believers,”
“You look at our air and our water, and it’s right now at a record clean. But when you look at China and you look at parts of Asia and when you look at South America, and when you look at many other places in this world, including Russia, including - just many other places - the air is incredibly dirty."
How do they breathe that stuff. In fact America's 'air' is so clean that I think it could be unhealthy to actually breathe, that why I'm busy de-funding, and de-constructing our horrible 'Environemental Protection Agency', and re-naming it, 'The Environemental POLLUTION Agency'. You can't be too careful when it comes to this so-called 'scientific' stuff, which I, as everyone will agree, happen to know more about than anyone else does. “And when you’re talking about an atmosphere, oceans are very small. And it blows over and it sails over. I mean, we take thousands of tons of garbage off our beaches all the time that comes over from Asia. It just flows right down the Pacific, it flows, and we say where does this come from? And it takes many people to start off with.” What we need is Larger 'oceans'. Much bigger! Right now "oceans are very small". I'm gonna make them bigger than ever. Maybe next week. Or before the end of the year. I don't know, we'll see. Democrats will try to block it. Have you ever looked up at the sky? Huge! Really big place! Did you know that there's a big hole in the sky where all the smoke and stuff goes, and sends it someplace else? It's true! That's why all the air in America is so clean. Well, "There is movement in the atmosphere. There’s no question. As to whether or not it’s manmade and whether or not the effects that you’re talking about are there, I don’t see it — not nearly like it is. Do we want clean water? Absolutely. Do we want clean air to breathe? Absolutely.”
I look up and see those big white, fluffy things floating by. Something's going on up there. I don't know what. And it seems to be random, all over the sky. Something is causing that. I don't know, like I said, I'm no scientist but I know more than any so-called 'scientist' does, that's for sure. Really. I really do, and I'm not lying this time, you know, like the time before, and the time before that one, and the time before that. Honest! Ya gotta believe me this time, ya just gotta!!'

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'They talked about at some point the planets could have freeze to death,' president claims

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

'Jay', You're Fired!

'WaaaaaWaaaaaaWaaa! Why did I pick such a loser!? I'm gonna fire his butt so hard his head will spin off like a cheap Chinese top! Why can't he be smart like me?? "So far, I'm not even a little bit happy with my selection of Jay," "I'm doing deals and I'm not being accommodated by the Fed," "They're making a mistake because I have a gut and my gut tells me more sometimes than anybody else's brain can ever tell me." What a no-brainer! I'm so 'smart', sometimes I even out-smart Me, Myself, And I! How crazy is that!? I bet he believes in that "fake news" Global Warming conspiracy crap. Ignorant! Disgusting! I know more about money than he'll ever know about anything! I bet he has to drive his own car. and when it comes to this "Fake news" about so-callede 'Global Warming', well, we all know that's a bunch of baloney! I mean, right now, look how cold it is in New York! Does that look 'warm' to anyone?? I hate liars! People should be 'truthful' like I am. But hey, that's just Me, Myself, and I, three very highly 'truthful guys. Hey wanna see me destroy General Motors stock value? Sure, they have enough problems on their plate, but you know what, I can destroy them with just one little tweet. That'll teach them to make me look bad, which by the way is totally my job, and my job alone. I gotta admit, I am pretty lousy at hiring good employees, but it sure is fun firing them and ruining their careers. Hey Jay, you're fired!! Get outta my sorry sight! Your workdays are over! Have I mentioned my incredible 'approval ratings'? Huge numbers! No one has ever seen numbers like this, ever! Obama, eat your immigrant heart out! Everyone just loves to love me. I'm the greatist person I've ever known. Really. I am. I am, I am, I said.'

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The president told The Washington Post that he thinks the U.S. central bank is "way off-base with what they're doing."

The De-Construction of America

Thank you Mr. 'Incompetent' Trump, for "Making America Great Again", and for your undying effort to de-construct, by your senseless de-regulations, our America and mold it into your own likeness. How can we ever re-pay you for all that you have done, and no doubt will continue to do, to our nation, which by the way, was pretty "great' pre-you, and which has now become the laughing stock of the whole world. Where would we be without, something we wish to experience again, 'you'?


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More than a dozen people are already hospitalized from contaminated romaine lettuce.

Thank Me, Thank Me, Thank Me

'Some un-important person, probably one of CNN's "fake news" people asked me what three things I am most thankful for. Well, after 'careful' consideration, and much forethought and deliberation, I have to say that I'm very thankful, very much, for Me, Myself, and I. And I say that with a humble heartfelt admiration of myself because "I'm thankful I've made a 'tremendous difference in this country'". No kidding, I really have! Just look around you. I said, lOOk around you!! Look at all the de-regulations I have sneaked past everyone. Look how 'I' have made America just one big joke on the worlds stage all by 'myself', and didn't need anyone to help 'me' do it. No other President could ever have done what Me, Myself, and I have done. I actually don't need anyone else but 'me'. I don't need advisers, minders, emissary's, a Vice President, DOJ, Judges, so-called scientists, Generals, you name it, and I don't need them. I know more about everything they should know about, so why have them? Useless. No one 'knows' as much as I do about everything there is to know. I'm it. I'm the 'answer man', just ask me, and I'll tell you so. I'm whatcha might call 'The Neapolitan Man', so many flavors in one bowl. But hey, that's just Me, Myself, and I, and "that's why I'm President, and you're not".

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President Donald Trump said on Thanksgiving that he was thankful for his family before talking at length about the positive impact he believes his presidency has made on the country.

Thanks A Lot, Saudi!

"I 'always' 'try' to tell the 'truth' when I can". Really. This time I'm pretty sure that what I'm saying is the 'truth' as I believe it to be. Honest. Ya gotta believe me on this one. I mean, have I ever lied to America before? Ok, ok, I mean before that last one. And...oh yeah,..the one before that..and...well, just believe everything I say, and you'll never know the difference between a lie, and the truth. Really. Not kidding around this time. Trust me. Pleeeease?'
President Donald Trump touted a reduction in oil prices ahead of Thanksgiving and thanked Saudi Arabia for making it possible.

Anti-Vaxers V Science

'Anti Vaxers' are to 'science', as a fertility dance is to 'conception'.

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In states that allow easy opt-outs for vaccines, more parents skip shots.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

What A "Vicious World"

'OMG! The "world is a vicious place", horribly "vicious place, Horrible. "Vicious" things happening all over the place. Just look at the fires in California, if only they had forest "rakes" out there. Sad. So sad. I'm sending 5 thousand Special Forces troops out there to enforce 'forest raking'. They have the WH authority to use "deadly force" to protect "rake" salesman from "vicious" attacks by disgruntled 'Smokey The Bears' who watch too much CNN "fake news". Bad things happen. Look at those floods down south after hurricanes! Really bad. How does that happen? Hmmm..."maybe they do, maybe not", probable more "fake news". "Vicious"! We'll see. And speaking of "vicious" "fake news" media, I'm talking about You, CNN, just look at how viciously they treat my family 'dynasty'. If only there were a law that controls them. "We'll see".
And how about that so-called reporter guy that apparently, probably, according to my BFF's security guys, somehow killed himself in that Saudi embassy. Or maybe it was some "rogue" unsupervised "killers". I don't know. Even my own useless CIA has no clue. None whatseoever. Just like me, clueless. “They did not come to a conclusion. They have feelings, certain ways, but I have the report,” . “They have not concluded. Nobody’s concluded. I don’t know if anyone could conclude It could very well be that the crown prince had knowledge of this tragic event," "Maybe he did and maybe he didn't!" "It could very well be that the crown prince had knowledge of this tragic event," "Maybe he did and maybe he didn't!" Really. Ya gotta beleive me here. My BFF-FWB prince pal "vehemitly" denies any knowledge of what happened on his personal 'watch'. "It's a terrible thing. I dislike it more than you do. But the fact is ... they create tremendous wealth, really tremendous jobs in their purchases and very importantly, they keep the oil price down." I'm not lying about this. Honest. Ya gotta believe me, and I gotta believe him. "Great wealth", mostly for my rich friends and donors. Incredible. My BFF is just sick over this, he's barely able to lay in bed and count his camels. He told me that he has 'Never' lied to me before. His money is always good. Great guy. I've never known him to kill even a sand flea. Loves his people. Especially his secret harem of hotties. He's been 'punished' enough. He's America's best 'friend'. I hereby order everyone to lkeave him alone in his moment of grief. "Vicious world", leave him alone!'

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Friday, November 23, 2018

I Come In 'Peace', Really..

'Friends, heathens, devil worshipers alike, I come to you in peace. My Jesus, my lord and savior, not to mention my 'protector', seeing as how I'm here at his behest, has sent me to your god forsaken, pithy little, devil horned island in the middle of practically nowhere, to bring you the word of the lord, and save your very souls from hell, and damnation. Now, I know that people will say I'm bat crap crazy to illegally trespass on your heathonistic crust of an island, but you know what, I don't give a cats smelly butt about what other people say, because my good lord will look after, and protect me from all evils. Really. He will. I am safe in his arms. Really.
Now, if I may, I'll turn to some very cool, soul saving scripture in my little waterproof bible where I'll be able to show all you sinfully naked, especially your naked women which will take some one on one private sessions, heathens the path to the cross, where you'll be anointed with the blood of....Ouch!..Ouch!..Ouch! Damn, that hurts! Stop shooting me with those pointy little arrows already! I came here to 'save' you, and now you're trying to kill me! Oh dear god, I don't want to die! Sure, I want to go to 'heaven', but holy craps, I don't want to die to do it! Whoa! That's My blood! Ouch! Stop it already! No fair! Now I lay me down to sleeee.....'

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A Christian missionary is shot dead with bows and arrows after trying to convert isolated tribes people on a remote island hundreds of miles off the coast of India.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

"Bedlam, Chaos, Injury and Death"

'Dangerous, just dangerous! At first, I was pretty sure as I could be, from the 'evidence' that I had gathered all by myself, that the un-holy, "Fake news" media was the "enemy of the people". But now, after 'careful' consideration, and much forethought, I have determined for absolute 'fact', as I know it, that 'Judges' are the real "enemy of the people.
"Judges must not Legislate Security and Safety at the Border, or anywhere else. They know nothing about it and are making our Country unsafe," and let me assure you, That's My job! If they think for one minute that they can make America more "unsafe" than I can, they have another thought coming! I know more about making things "unsafe" than anyone on this planet. Just look at my track record so far! Who can beat that?
"Justice Roberts can say what he wants," , "but the 9th Circuit is a complete & total disaster." Horrible disaster! They are totally preventing our Law Enforcement agencies from doing their jobs! Disgusting judges! "Our great Law Enforcement professionals MUST BE ALLOWED TO DO THEIR JOB! If not there will be only bedlam, chaos, injury and death. We want the Constitution as written!" "Bedlam, chaos", I know a lot about that. And just ask me what I know about the Constitution! Not right this minute, maybe later. We'll see. And as we all know by now, I, myself, and I alone, am the master in the use, and abuse, of America's Constitution for my own personal, and political gain. No one does it like I am able to. 'Constitutional Law' is my forte'! We don't need no stinkin' judges telling us what we can do, or what we can't. That's My job! I am the 'ruler' of America! I make the laws, I break the laws, I am above the law! I warn all judges across America, including the Supreme Court judges, if you want to keep your spiffy, armchair jobs, don't mess with me. I am un-messable, un-touchable, I am your boss! Now, take a knee and beg my forgiveness for your basphemy of my holy name, and position. Waiting....'

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Donald Trump has been butting heads with Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts after the judge defended the independence of the federal judiciary.

Who's "Proud' Now?

'Ohhh.. I am so un-'Proud' of my 'Proud Boys' now! Where is their pride in being a Proud Boy!? I refuse to be associated with such losers!
"As of today, Nov. 21, 2018, I am officially disassociating myself from the Proud Boys, in all capacities, forever. I quit”. Here, I started a white guy 'social club' where members could just sit around and watch Micky Mouse movies, and stroke one another's...ahh..egos, and all of a sudden they run out and turn into bigoted, racist, far right, Nazi monsters. Who does that?? Too much TV?? I demand that they all return their 'good boy' merit badges, and that they delete my phone number, and ink over my likeness tat on their butts. What a bunch of mutts they turned out to be! Who would'a thought!? I always implored them, begged them, counseled them, to be polite, kind, and generous when out in the public eye, you never know where a surveillance camera might be watching. I simply tried to be a good 'father' figure for them, they called me 'daddy', I called them 'son'. And yet, what do they do but besmirch my very holy name. So, I'm quitting as leader of their clubhouse. I'm done. "I’m told by my legal team and law enforcement that this gesture could help alleviate their sentencing,” “Fine. At the very least, this will show jurors they are not dealing with a gang and there’s no head of operations.”
"We are not an extremist group and we do not have ties with white nationalists.” I mean, how can we possibly still be a 'gang' of "White Nationalists" when I have now disbanded our little clutch of misfits, and resigned as their 'leader'? No 'gang', no 'leader'. We actually don't even exist anymore!That's it, fini, no more gang status. I'm off the hook, no more responsibility for what they may have done under my leadership.
So, let the record show that I have washed my bloody, bloody hands of these horrible thugs, I disavow all knowledge of anything anti-social they may have done, I am not responsible for, nor have any knowledge of, any racist crimes they may have committed while in my charge and immediate supervision, and leadership. Hmmm..maybe I could now start up a Cub Scout 'Klan'.'

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About this website|By David Moye
“I’m told by my legal team and law enforcement that this gesture could help…